Jorie Graham, 6 February 2025
“... A hand or something likea handappeared in the uppersky & Isaw what must have beenits fingers un-furl & drop two ice-whitedice which begantheir slowtumbling each over eachdown till they turnedto wings draggedby the weight oftheir bodies down & thenall the new &improvedviruses shook out theirmutationsas they fell, as theysprinkled down & dustedus – in-candescent – & then,spiralling, all of itswirled into glinting clanging war-heads whichappearedto be arguing eachwith eachabove the dinof the rushing airthrough which they nowfall, twoarguing then screaming mouthsas they drop everfaster with theirdisasters & morphinto just heads justfaces nobacks – mouthshissing & spitting as if eachwanted to be thewinning number as theyplummet – accelerating – so fast – allseeking to reachearth & revealthe outcome – look now it’sarms trying to claspeach other beforethey fall into the piledown there ofsevered arms or hands & thenthe feet fall & the droughts fall &famines likebunched veils reeling withtheir new contagions &then, small & icy& looking like they’d meltbefore they’d ever reachdestination, theideas – so jagged &hard to make out, fall – untilit’s just voices, twovoices, you’d think youcld see them sosharp is theirmuttering, so eager theirarticulation of right ofwrong, though themeanings escape us,they come from such altitude,& the tumbling turns nowagain into dice,the two of them flashingall their possible per-mutationsas they turn, as theyfall, ofchance they singinto the silence of our waiting,the centuries of waiting,the centuries of tryingto make outhow they’ll land,on whose side, whowill be rightin the end, whowill have fathomedthe right ...”