
How do I cancel my Subscription?You can cancel your subscription at any time by calling or emailing our customer services team (please have your subscription number to hand, if available. It can be found above your address label on your latest issue and is a 10-digit number beginning with 400).

We have separate contact details for customer services depending on whether the subscription is in North America or not. The details for each are:

UK and Overseas (excl US and Canada)
Email: help@mylrb.co.uk
Tel: 01604 828700

US and Canada
Email – nasubs@mylrb.co.uk
Tel – 1-800-258-2066

We do also have the option to suspend your subscription  for a period of time which you can do via your online account.

Do I still receive all the issues I’ve paid for?

You can still receive all the remaining print issues that you’ve paid for or, if you prefer, you can cancel your subscription immediately and receive a refund for any un-mailed issues.

Will I still have access to articles online?

You will have full access to all the articles on the LRB website until the end of your subscription.

Subscriber Access

How can I access the LRB website?If you are a subscriber to the London Review of Books, you must have an LRB account with an active subscription linked to it in order to get uninterrupted access to the LRB website and app. If you subscribed online you should have received an automatic email containing details of how to set up an account and link your subscription. If you can’t see an email please check your spam or junk folder as it may have been filtered.

If you took out a subscription with us by post, or over the phone, and you have started receiving issues you can sign-up for an account and link your subscription from the account page.

If you have any problems setting up an account or linking a subscription you can contact us at support@lrb.co.uk.
I have forgotten my username/password for lrb.co.ukTry our reminder service. We will send you a link which you can use to reset the password for your LRB account.


What are the contact details for print subscription enquiries?We have separate contact details for customer services depending on whether the subscription is in North America or not. The details for each are:

UK and Overseas (excl US and Canada)
Email: help@mylrb.co.uk
Tel: 01604 828700

US and Canada
Email – nasubs@mylrb.co.uk
Tel – 1-800-258-2066
I have paid for my subscription, how long will it take before I receive my first copy?The time taken to receive an issue varies depending on when the order is placed and where we are in our publication cycle. However, our publication schedule provides the estimated delivery date for each issue. The schedule can also be accessed from your My Account page.How can I check the status of my subscription?You should be able to find details such as expiry date and delivery address within your My Account page. If you have any further questions you can contact customer services and they should be able to help.What should I do if an issue is delivered damaged or I do not receive an issue on time?You can request a replacement issue from your My Account page. Alternatively you can contact services and they will arrange for a replacement copy to be sent to you.I am going on holiday/moving house and would like to suspend my subscriptionYou can suspend or reactivate a subscription from within your My Account page. However, if you wish to cancel a subscription outright you will need to contact customer services.If I cancel or suspend my subscription, will I still be able to access subscriber-only content?No, to access subscriber-only content you need to have an active subscription.


How do auto-renewing subscriptions work?Auto-renewing subscriptions are an easy and convenient way to ensure you continue to receive the London Review of Books without interruption. An initial payment is taken at the time of purchase, as detailed in the checkout process. If you have selected an auto-renewing offer, your subscription will then be automatically renewed on a quarterly basis. If you do not select an auto-renewing offer, you will receive renewal reminders towards the end of the subscription term.How can I cancel an auto-renewing subscription?You can cancel your auto-renewing subscription at any time. Please contact customer services to do so.If I pay by Direct Debit, how can I cancel my subscription?If you pay for your subscription by Direct Debit you are automatically protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee. To cancel your Direct Debit at any time please email the Subscriptions team, call them on +44 (0)1604 828700, or contact your bank.
View the Direct Debit Guarantee »

Free Gift Subscriptions

How can I nominate a friend for a free gift subscription?You can nominate a friend online using the link supplied on the nomination form we will send you. Alternatively, please complete the nomination form and send it back using the reply envelope provided. Otherwise, contact customer services and they should be able to help.Is there a deadline for nominating a friend for a free gift subscription?No, but as this is a benefit of being a current subscriber, we recommend that you nominate your chosen recipient as soon as possible.Can I nominate a friend who lives in another country?Yes, we will send the gift subscription wherever you want it to go, worldwide. Please note that nominations from US/Canada subscribers to territories outside of North America may take longer to process.I nominated a friend for a free gift subscription but they have not yet received an issue.Once you have nominated a friend for a free gift subscription, we will send them a letter informing them of their free gift. Once we receive their signed acceptance form, or they accept online, we are able to start sending them issues. You may need to encourage your friend to return the signed acceptance form or to accept the gift online. If they require another form or help accepting online please contact customer services.

Other FAQs

What do you do with my personal information?The London Review of Books is serious about protecting your privacy – whether you are a subscriber or a visitor. We use information collected about you only to process and bill orders and to make the LRB’s online presence a more useful and valuable resource. The LRB strives to respect the privacy of users who visit our website or become subscribers. Privacy statement »What is your cancellation/refund policy?Should you wish to cancel your subscription at any time please email our Customer Services team or call them on: +44 (0)1604 828700. You will receive a refund for any unmailed issues. Please see our Terms and Conditions for further information.Where can I buy a copy of the latest issue from a newsstand?If you are based in the UK you can check the store-finder page of our newsstand distributor to see if a retail outlet near you stocks the LRB. If you are outside of the UK, or you have a very particular query, you can email us and we will do our best to help. 

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