
‘You are not your thoughts.’

Find the still point,
the naked bulb,

the white peony

one more
inner ring

while not being
exactly open.

An animal needs
something to watch.


What I saw
as a formation

of fighter jets
in the distance

was, instead,
a blow-up

of rivets
on a panel truck.


Thinking is hard,
but thoughts just happen

because of the near
of sparks.

Story Line

Kids like talking animals
as well or better than
they do people –

until the wolf eats gramma

then tells Red
a love story.

After that, children
are concerned
about trajectories.


The gulls are worked up
this morning, swooping and circling
one dilapidated house.

The crows lining the wire
ignore them.

This is the beginning
of a story
with two characters,

but the narrator
has gone missing.

Our Wits

To make the rhetorical
was always hilarious,

for instance, when a hero
sidestepped an avalanche
and quipped that the mountain
was ‘getting its rocks off’.

To be near the truth
and not touch it

like Harrison Ford,

cool as
any corpse.

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