bees riddle the asters
or are they daisies
have you a thought
or a pansy for me

the lenticels
of cherry trees
have cracked open
to a deeper bark
could your skin
not open all along
the seam of autumn

there’s a gash
in the mind
an old slipping
into a reservoir
yes/no        yes/no
frog splash

along the bus route
a hinge of wings
butterfly thorax
of the breathing possible

bees riddle the asters
we have not yet killed
off the monarch
butterflies who on the further
flowers fold their wings

O! I am eager for you!


what is an unstarred aster
what flying thing does not fly
what is an unmoved mover
when is the truth not a lie
how does the earth slice the sun
when does the moon wink back
when is a kiss a kiss
and when an attack

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