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Were you surprised to learn
that you could swap
an ‘i’ for an eye,
and ‘a’ for an apple?

That’s the lure.

Later, you may
want to pray.


You may be left
to think your way
from moment to moment

without being told
what a moment is,

if it’s something solid.


The mad hear language
speak itself
and are humble before it.

They receive instruction.


The child in her crib
turns her head restlessly,
says, ‘aaah, aaah’
like an engine left running.


They change arsenate
to arsenite
and back. They


To capitulate
is to give in;

to recapitulate
is to repeat
in brief.


Fuchsia shadow;
dangling beads.

is my



They pass one
between them:

‘Take and eat.’

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