Vol. 46 No. 19 · 10 October 2024

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Helen Napper

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Vol. 46 No. 19 · 10 October 2024


Cormac Chester, James McKinna, Helen King, David Ganz, Colin Lovelace, Malin Hay, Brigid von Preussen, Ken Hammond, Peter Stott, David Aneurin Morgan, Barry Goldman

Jonathan Rée

Hospitality, Volume 1 by Jacques Derrida, edited by Pascale-Anne Brault and Peggy Kamuf, translated by E.S. Burt. Chicago, 267 pp., £35, November 2024, 978 0 226 82801 5
Hospitality, Volume 2 by Jacques Derrida, edited by Pascale-Anne Brault and Peggy Kamuf, translated by Peggy Kamuf. Chicago, 261 pp., £36, April 2024, 978 0 226 83130 5

James Butler

‘This much evidence, still no charges’

Sophia Goodfriend

Kill Lists

John Kerrigan

England’s Insular Imagining: The Elizabethan Erasure of Scotland by Lorna Hutson. Cambridge, 323 pp., £30, November 2023, 978 1 009 25357 4

A.E. Stallings

Poem: ‘The Plum Tree’

Helen Pfeifer

The Genius of Their Age: Ibn Sina, Biruni and the Lost Enlightenment by S. Frederick Starr. Oxford, 301 pp., £22.99, January, 978 0 19 767555 7

Katherine Harloe

The Muse of History: The Ancient Greeks from the Enlightenment to the Present by Oswyn Murray. Allen Lane, 517 pp., £30, May, 978 0 241 36057 6

David Runciman

Short Cuts: Just ask Tony

Terry Eagleton

The Years of Theory: Postwar French Thought to the Present by Fredric Jameson. Verso, 458 pp., £20, October, 978 1 80429 589 2

James Vincent

Horny Robot Baby Voice

Matthew Bevis

Thomas Hardy: Selected Writings edited by Ralph Pite. Oxford, 608 pp., £19.99, February, 978 0 19 890486 1
Thomas Hardy: Selected Poems edited by David Bromwich. Yale, 456 pp., £30, November 2023, 978 0 300 09528 9
Woman Much Missed: Thomas Hardy, Emma Hardy and Poetry by Mark Ford. Oxford, 244 pp., £25, July 2023, 978 0 19 288680 4

Natasha Fedorson

At the Royal Academy: Modernism in Ukraine

Clare Bucknell

Peggy: A Novel by Rebecca Godfrey with Leslie Jamison. John Murray, 366 pp., £18.99, August, 978 1 4736 0574 9

Michael Wood

Wrong Norma by Anne Carson. Cape, 191 pp., £14.99, February, 978 1 78733 235 5

Jon Day

The Safekeep by Yael van der Wouden. Viking, 272 pp., £16.99, May, 978 0 241 65230 5

Dani Garavelli


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