If you go any distance, you’ll no more be mine;
you’ll become everybody’s playboy.

Going to any body
like a vulture picking at the form and flesh
               you make your meal.
You perceive no difference between the whore’s
               and the lover’s body.

You prefer cunning to poetry.
As night descends, one hundred and one unbridled horses
gallop stampeding through your blood,
the ancestors wake up dancing the rumba in your blood.
I’ve told you a lot about moonlight;
you perceive no difference between
               the new moon and the full.
You prefer affluence to love.
From beneath anybody’s heel you lick up
a drop of liquor, you’re immersed from head to foot
               in thousands of gallons of liquor
                           but still your thirst isn’t slaked.
I’ve told you a lot about dreams;
you perceive no difference between the sea and the sewer.
If you go any distance, you’ll become everybody’s playboy.

He who is everybody’s man is never mine.

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