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Vol. 30 No. 12 · 19 June 2008

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

James Davidson

The Atlantis Story: A Short History of Plato’s Myth by Pierre Vidal-Naquet, translated by Janet Lloyd. Exeter, 192 pp., £35, November 2007, 978 0 85989 805 8


Verena Mayer and Roland Koberg, Pete Ayrton, Sven Anderson, Richard Davenport-Hines, Slavoj Žižek, Inigo Thomas, Laura Mansnerus, Richard Pevear, Garth Clarke, W.S. Milne, DeAnn DeLuna

Patrick Cockburn

Iran v. America

Norman Dombey

At Al Kibar

Terry Eagleton

Theodor Adorno: One Last Genius by Detlev Claussen. Harvard, 440 pp., £22.95, May 2008, 978 0 674 02618 6

Uri Avnery

Olmert and Friends

Keith Gessen

Alfred Kazin: A Biography by Richard Cook. Yale, 452 pp., £25, March 2008, 978 0 300 11505 5

Peter Campbell

At the Door: Open Sesame!

Eyal Press

The Conscience of a Liberal: Reclaiming America from the Right by Paul Krugman. Allen Lane, 296 pp., £20, March 2008, 978 1 84614 107 2

Bill Manhire

Three Poems

Iain Sinclair

The Olympics Scam

Charles Simic

Poem: ‘In the Afternoon’

Jean Sprackland

Poem: ‘The Source’

John Lanchester

Short Cuts: Who’s Afraid of the Library of America?

Colin Burrow

Literature and Politics in Cromwellian England: John Milton, Andrew Marvell, Marchamont Nedham by Blair Worden. Oxford, 458 pp., December 2007, 978 0 19 923081 5

Sam Thompson

The Butt by Will Self. Bloomsbury, 355 pp., £14.99, April 2008, 978 0 7475 9175 7

Adam Phillips

Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women’s Love and Desire by Lisa Diamond. Harvard, 333 pp., £18.95, March 2008, 978 0 674 02624 7

Bee Wilson

The Suspicions of Mr Whicher or the Murder at Road Hill House by Kate Summerscale. Bloomsbury, 334 pp., £14.99, April 2008, 978 0 7475 8215 1

Tim Crane

In the Space of Reasons: Selected Essays of Wilfrid Sellars edited by Kevin Scharp and Robert Brandom. Harvard, 491 pp., £29.95, May 2007, 978 0 674 02498 4
Wilfrid Sellars: Fusing the Images by Jay Rosenberg. Oxford, 320 pp., £45, September 2007, 978 0 19 921455 6

Matthew Sweeney

Two Poems

Thomas Jones

Diary: The Last Days of eBay

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