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Vol. 20 No. 19 · 1 October 1998

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 20 No. 19 · 1 October 1998

Michael Wood

Primo Levi: The Tragedy of an Optimist by Myriam Anissimov, translated by Steve Cox. Aurum, 452 pp., £25, September 1998, 1 85410 503 5


Bruce Bucknell, Christopher Price, Don Miller, James Wood, H.V.F. Winstone, Rosemary Seton, Graham Mitchell

John Tranter

Poem: ‘Trastevere’

Marina Warner

Bodies of Law by Alan Hyde. Princeton, 290 pp., £39.50, July 1997, 0 691 01229 6

John Mullan

The Giant, O'Brien by Hilary Mantel. Fourth Estate, 211 pp., £14.99, September 1998, 1 85702 884 8

Charles Simic

Three Poems

Alan Bennett

Story: ‘Nights in the Gardens of Spain’

John Sutherland

The Fight for Eyeballs

Edward Luttwak

After Monica

Geoffrey Hawthorn

The Wealth and Poverty of Nations by David Landes. Little, Brown, 650 pp., £20, April 1998, 0 316 90867 3
The Commanding Heights by Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw. Simon and Schuster, 457 pp., £18.99, February 1998, 0 684 82975 4

Richard Fortey

The Crucible of Creation: The Burgess Shale and the Rise of Animals by Simon Conway Morris. Oxford, 242 pp., £18.99, March 1998, 0 19 850256 7

Andrew Motion

Poem: ‘In Memory of Ruby Yates’

Dinah Birch

Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon: Feminist, Artist and Rebel by Pam Hirsch. Chatto, 390 pp., £20, July 1998, 0 7011 6797 1

A.N. Wilson

The Warden by John Lowe. HarperCollins, 258 pp., £19.99, August 1998, 0 00 215392 0

Ian Hamilton

Osbert Sitwell by Philip Ziegler. Chatto, 461 pp., £25, May 1998, 1 85619 646 1

Ian Sansom

England, England by Julian Barnes. Cape, 272 pp., £15.99, September 1998, 0 224 05275 6

James Wood

Damascus Gate by Robert Stone. Picador, 500 pp., £16.99, October 1998, 0 330 37058 8

Nigel Wheale

The Book of Demons by Barry MacSweeney. Bloodaxe, 109 pp., £7.95, September 1997, 1 85224 414 3
Poems 1980-94 by John Kinsella. Bloodaxe, 352 pp., £9.95, April 1999, 1 85224 453 4
The Silo: A Pastoral Symphony by John Kinsella. Arc, 108 pp., £7.95, January 1997, 1 900072 12 2
The Kangaroo Farm by Martin Harrison. Paper Bark, 79 pp., £8.95, May 1998, 0 9586482 4 7

Michael Gilsenan

Diary: in Yemen

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