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Riots, Terrorism etc

John Lanchester: The Great British Press Disaster, 6 March 2008

Flat Earth News 
by Nick Davies.
Chatto, 408 pp., £17.99, February 2008, 978 0 7011 8145 1
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... book likely to be referred to in the future by other people who write about the same subject’. Nick Davies’s Flat Earth News, however, is a genuinely important book, one which is likely to change, permanently, the way anyone who reads it looks at the British newspaper industry. Davies’s book explains something ...

The Uses of al-Qaida

Richard Seymour, 13 September 2012

... by the term ‘al-Qaida in Iraq’. The journalists Loretta Napoleoni (Insurgent Iraq) and Nick Davies (Flat Earth News) have thrown some light on the dense mesh of official misrepresentation surrounding Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was for some time the official face and emblem of the organisation for US officials. Starting out as a small-time ...

Short Cuts

Daniel Soar: Leveson Inquiry, 21 June 2012

... powerful media empire was a piece of mistaken reporting. For two years a handful of people – Nick Davies at the Guardian, the MP Tom Watson – kept insisting that the problem was bigger than a couple of ‘rogue’ journalists misbehaving at the News of the World. But whatever they said, and however often they said it, the world went on much as it ...


Andrew O’Hagan: Julian Assange, 6 March 2014

... this story it was me. At 5.30 the next day Jamie arrived at my flat with his editorial colleague Nick Davies. (Mental health warning: there are two Nick Davies in this story. This one worked for Canongate; the second is a well-known reporter for the Guardian.) They had just come back on the train from ...

Mao meets Oakeshott

John Lanchester: Britain’s new class divide, 21 October 2004

Mind the Gap: The New Class Divide in Britain 
by Ferdinand Mount.
Short Books, 320 pp., £14.99, September 2004, 1 904095 94 1
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... Dalrymple’ (Ian Sansom’s phrase) is the same as that described by the impeccably liberal Nick Davies in his extensive Guardian reports and his lid-lifting Dark Heart. Dalrymple blames prole stupidity, Davies blames poverty, but the hollowed-out world they describe is all too similar. A much praised website ...
... that the LSHTM team warned the government on 26 February that a lockdown was necessary. Dr Nick Davies, who carried out the work, told me that there is no justification for this claim.The Imperial model was originally devised to assess the effectiveness of possible responses to an epidemic of avian flu in Thailand, and the most detailed published ...

Newspaperising the World

Sadakat Kadri: The Leveson Inquiry, 5 July 2012

Dial M for Murdoch 
by Tom Watson and Martin Hickman.
Allen Lane, 360 pp., £20, April 2012, 978 1 84614 603 9
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... stonewall tenacious efforts by Watson, his fellow Labour MP Chris Bryant and the Guardian reporter Nick Davies to show that Mulcaire and Goodman were fall-guys. The Press Complaints Commission meanwhile proved it was dysfunctional by devoting an entire report in November 2009 to a sardonic dismissal of Davies’s ...

Home Office Rules

William Davies, 3 November 2016

... her Home Office brief, there are signs that her thinking – and that of her policy adviser, Nick Timothy – departs from the neoliberal consensus in key ways. Abandoning Osborne’s austerity targets and declaring war on tax evaders are signs that the financial sector and the very wealthy can no longer view the Conservative Party as their ...

Short Cuts

William Davies: Woke Conspiracies, 24 September 2020

... had studied at Cambridge, and reporting the reaction of the leading men’s rights activist Philip Davies MP, who declared the article evidence of the ‘extremist, virtue-signalling … metropolitan left-wing politically correct drivel which is so prevalent at the BBC’. The day after, the Daily Express ran a poll to find out whether its readers wanted the ...

Short Cuts

William Davies: Cambridge Analytica, 5 April 2018

... of the digital economy – what Shoshana Zuboff has termed ‘surveillance capitalism’, and Nick Srnicek calls ‘platform capitalism’. It’s worth remembering that throughout the 1990s, the internet was viewed as a threat to capitalism as much as an opportunity. Napster was the iconic example. It wasn’t clear where the profits lay, once ...

At the National Gallery

Peter Campbell: Fakes, 22 July 2010

... than Venus and Mars. The reputation of An Allegory soon went downhill; by 1951 the curator Martin Davies wrote that it was by ‘some feeble imitator of Botticelli’. It is certainly, according to all the tests, an old picture: the support, ground, pigments and medium are appropriate for Italy around 1500. Science in this case can only say that the ...

There is no alternative to becoming Leadbeater

Nick Cohen: Charles Leadbeater, 28 October 1999

Living on Thin Air: The New Economy 
by Charles Leadbeater.
Viking, 244 pp., £17.99, July 1999, 0 670 87669 0
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... tells us he likes Thai noodles and foreign holidays. He recommends his travel agent, Philip Davies of Real Holidays, in North London. Presumably Mr Davies sent him East, because it was on the shores of an Oriental sea that Leadbeater had a blinding flash and realised that humans could develop joint stock companies and ...


Ian Hamilton: Francis Hope, and Tom and Vic, 15 March 1984

... a driver called Mahomed (sic) – hired for him by the Telegraph’s Cairo correspondent, Kathryn Davies: ‘Kathryn introduced me to him as Mr Nick, but he can’t remember that, or possibly can’t bring himself to use such a ridiculous name. He calls me “Gentlemen”, which I like. It makes me feel there is more than ...

Reasons for Corbyn

William Davies, 13 July 2017

... alleviating existing debt burdens. But not just any leader could credibly have made this promise: Nick Clegg famously reneged on it in 2010, and no Clegg-alike could have got away with making it in 2017. Centrist Labour figures and their friends in the press continue to believe it is a bad policy, on the grounds that it uses general taxation to subsidise ...

A Dog in the Fight

William Davies: Am I a fan?, 18 May 2023

A Fan’s Life: The Agony of Victory and the Thrill of Defeat 
by Paul Campos.
Chicago, 176 pp., £15, September 2022, 978 0 226 82348 5
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... once, Campos acknowledges a writer who captured this melancholic disposition as well as any other. Nick Hornby’s Fever Pitch (1992), a memoir about his life as an Arsenal fan, and High Fidelity (1995), a novel about a music fanatic, were products of a new cultural zeitgeist, with fandom to the fore. The two books were also sustained reflections on ...

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