Tom Crewe

Tom Crewe’s first novel, The New Life, won the 2023 Orwell Prize for Political Fiction and the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award, and is out now in paperback. He is a contributing editor at the LRB.



11 November 2024

It’s a pity there was no space for men’s underpants in Clare Bucknell’s review of the Under/Wear show at the Rijksmuseum (LRB, 21 November). It’s true that they have always been an easier affair, with many men simply tying their undershirt between their legs, but there is still much to be said about the design and materials, the use of buttons, flaps, laces and so on. Over the centuries,...

Here was a plague

27 September 2018

Tom Crewe writes: I don’t think I’m ‘nostalgic’ for the pre-HIV sex scene – envious, certainly. Nor did I claim that people with HIV felt themselves to be ‘missing out on the fun of sex’, though it would be very odd if this wasn’t one aspect of the appalling misery of infection, especially in the pre-symptom period – Oscar Moore and Derek Jarman both thought it was and I quoted them...

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