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Rosa Curling

Rosa Curling is a human rights and public law solicitor. She has advised and led litigation on a wide range of issues before UK and international courts.

From The Blog
30 July 2024

Jeff Bezos has been open about his company’s business strategy: ‘Amazon exploits its power in one sector to take over neighbouring markets. Each new conquest adds more momentum. The flywheel accelerates.’ Amazon is currently valued at more than $2 trillion. Last year, its main UK division posted a profit of £222 million and paid no corporation tax for the second year running. In the same period, workers in Coventry received a real-terms pay cut of 8 per cent. An estimated 75 per cent of them cannot afford to pay their household bills, and many are trapped in high-interest debt. In 2020, Bezos’s personal wealth soared by more than £57 billion, enough to give every Amazon worker on the planet a bonus of £38,000.

The Right to Protest

Rosa Curling, 9 May 2019

On​ 10 December last year, 15 men and women were found guilty of ‘endangering safety’ at Stansted Airport by ‘means of a device or substance’. The offence was created in 1990 in response to the Lockerbie bombing and fulfilled the UK’s obligations under the 1988 Montreal Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports. The...

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