Reviel Netz

Reviel Netz won a Runciman award for The Shaping of Deduction in Greek Mathematics: A Study of Cognitive History. He teaches classics at Stanford.

Barbed Wire

Reviel Netz, 20 July 2000

Mark out, on the two-dimensional surface of the earth, lines across which no movement is allowed and you have one of the key themes of history. Draw a closed line preventing movement from outside to inside the line, and you define landed property. Draw the same line preventing movement from inside the line to outside, and you define compulsory confinement. Draw an open line preventing movement...


Reconstituted Chicken

2 October 1997

Arguing for the reality of a continuous progress in science, Philip Kitcher (LRB, 2 October) dismisses as follows what he sees as the hiatus of the Copernican revolution: ‘we can take comfort in the fact that [Ptolemaic] tradition was not particularly successful: thus, if the concern is that an apparently successful scientific tradition can be overthrown by something radically different, the right...

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