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Peter McGill

Peter McGill worked as a journalist in Japan for the Observer, the Independent and Asahi Shimbun.


Megacity One

3 June 2021

Jordan Sand mentions the guardian role of two great Tendai Buddhist temples, Enryaku-ji in Kyoto, and Kan’ei-ji in Edo (LRB, 3 June). In Chinese geomancy, the north-east was considered the entrance for evil forces, and Mount Hiei, where Enryaku-ji was founded in 788, was north-east of the emperor’s new seat in Kyoto. Although barely more than a hillock, Ueno Hill, the site chosen for Kan’ei-ji,...

Short Cuts: In Japan

Peter McGill, 31 March 2011

Measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale, the Kobe earthquake of 1995 killed nearly 6500 people. Tall buildings crumpled, a large section of motorway flyover collapsed, and land reclaimed from the sea liquefied. The response of the Japanese authorities was chaotic. The regional governor was extremely reluctant to call for military help. A socialist, he opposed the existence of the Self-Defence...

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