Mark Rudman

Mark Rudman’s Rider Quintet won the National Book Critics Award.

Poem: ‘Provo’

Mark Rudman, 16 September 1999

It’s hard to get anywhere in Utah without going through Provo. I can’t tell you the number of times I went there as a teenager, the number Of times I drove into town in the early Afternoon, hungry, and had to look around For a place to eat. You don’t have to starve In Provo but you eat at your own risk. At no risk. I would never have gone to Provo On my own. I went...

Sam uses the words ‘pretend’ and ‘fake’ to distinguish representations from real things. Since all movie ratings are specious, conflating the slangy use of curse words, sickening violence, and kinky sex, I risked taking him to whatever films I thought would stimulate his imagination. When I asked if he was scared, he’d answer in a bold and firm voice: ‘No,...

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