Justin Horton



18 August 2022

Julian Barnes recalls that Mark Boxer, who struggled to draw hands satisfactorily, ‘would frequently solve the problem by having his subjects stuff them into their pockets’ (LRB, 18 August). There are other solutions: Charles M. Schulz produced a cartoon in which Linus, having drawn a man with his hands behind his back, is informed by Charlie Brown that he did so ‘because you yourself have...

On the Slip Road

23 June 2022

Mike Jay ponders the causes of the decline in hitchhiking but omits the most obvious one (LRB, 23 June). The growth of the motorway network meant faster travel but it also meant junctions that force hitchers either to stand on a slip road, illegally, or station themselves somewhere that drivers will not or cannot stop. After one incident when I was charged by Northamptonshire police and subsequently...

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