Ian Jack

Ian Jack worked on the Scottish Daily Express and the Sunday Times, edited the Independent on Sunday and Granta, and was a columnist on the Guardian. His pieces were collected in Before the Oil Ran Out, The Country Formerly Known as Great Britain and Mofussil Junction: Indian Encounters 1977-2011. He was working on a book about the Clyde at the time of his death in 2022, and his last piece for the LRB was on the decline of shipbuilding on the river and the CalMac ferry debacle that was in part a result of this.

From The Blog
18 October 2022

More evidence of secret dealings and irregular conduct has emerged in Scotland’s celebrated ‘ferry fiasco’, to add to the details I described last month in the LRB. A BBC Scotland documentary, ‘The Great Ferries Scandal’, broadcast on 27 September, revealed a remarkable level of co-operation between the Scottish government and the shipbuilder, Ferguson’s, to make sure that the Port Glasgow company won the contract against competition from shipyards in Germany, Poland and England. On the evidence of hundreds of documents leaked to the BBC, the principles of transparency and fair-dealing embodied in the procurement law of Scotland and England – and of the European Union, to which in 2015 the United Kingdom still belonged – look almost certain to have been broken.

Comprehensible Disorders

David Craig, 3 September 1987

The item which seems set to stay longest with me from Ian Jack’s alert and precisely-written record of British life in the Seventies and Eighties comes from the opening memoir of his...

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