Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Hans Magnus Enzensberger is the author of many volumes of poetry, of which the most recent to appear in English translation is The Sinking of the Titanic. His latest book, Die Furie des Verschwindens, was published in 1980 by Suhrkamp Verlag.

Poem: ‘The Divorce’

Hans Magnus Enzensberger, translated by Michael Hamburger, 18 February 1982

At first it was only an imperceptible quivering of the skin – ‘As you wish’ – where the flesh is darkest. ‘What’s wrong with you?’ – Nothing. Milky dreams of embraces; next morning, though, the other looks different, strangely bony. Razor-sharp misunderstandings. ‘That time, in Rome –’ I never said that. A pause. And furious...

In the Opposite Direction: Enzensberger

David Blackbourn, 25 March 2010

Poet, essayist, political commentator, dramatist for radio and stage, influential editor and publisher, Hans Magnus Enzensberger is one of Germany’s leading public intellectuals. He belongs...

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Green Thoughts

Colin Ward, 19 January 1989

The membership of environmental organisations in Britain is double that of the political parties and three times that of Sunday worshippers in the Church of England. Each of us has some links...

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Claude Rawson, 1 October 1981

Hans Magnus Enzensberger wrote The Sinking of the Titanic in German. From information supplied in the poem, which in its present form is much preoccupied with the process of its composition, he...

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