David Kaiser

David Kaiser is writing two books about gravity: a textbook on cosmology, and a history of Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Gremlin Fireworks: Atom-Smashing

David Kaiser, 17 December 2009

In October 1993, Congress took its final vote to kill funding for the Superconducting Supercollider. A well-meaning young professor advised me to leave graduate school if the vote went the wrong way. A year or so later he jumped ship to Wall Street, along with many other students and colleagues. With that vote to kill the SSC, Congress cut annual funding for high-energy physics in the United States by half. Support for the field continued to erode, losing ground against inflation, for the rest of the decade.

A x B ≠ B x A: Paul Dirac

David Kaiser, 26 February 2009

Physics became ‘modern’ at breakneck speed. Only 20 years separated Einstein’s formulation of special relativity, in 1905, and the development of quantum mechanics in 1925-26. The two events have attracted rather different kinds of story. Einstein’s achievement is typically portrayed as the epic tale of one man’s obsession. The creation of quantum mechanics, on...

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