Brian Dillon

Brian Dillon’s books include AffinitiesSuppose a Sentence and Essayism. He is working on Ambivalence: An Education.

At the Whitechapel: On Peter Kennard

Brian Dillon, 23 January 2025

Peter Kennard​ is an expert in the obvious. His art – if that is the word – seems all polemic and assertion, with little in the way of ambiguity, connotation or aesthetic import. Photomontage, which has been his primary form for more than fifty years, is always in focus, its borrowed elements (however grainy, stark or blurred) arrayed on the same legible plane, all to the point...

EnteringGive Me Paradox or Give Me Death, Roni Horn’s retrospective at Museum Ludwig in Cologne (until 11 August), you’re flanked by 96 photographs of her niece Georgia. The two grids of 48 seem to match until you’ve swivelled back and forth a few times and started noting certain fine disparities. Georgia’s grin slips, her head tilts, she peers at us through...

From The Blog
9 May 2024

The first room of Zineb Sedira’s exhibition Dreams Have No Titles (at the Whitechapel Gallery until 12 May) is both inviting and confusing. 

At Wiels: Marc Camille Chaimowicz

Brian Dillon, 10 August 2023

Jade?​ Arsenic? Celadon? Eau de nil? I can’t remember ever worrying so much about the way I might describe the colours at an exhibition. A glass vase in the shape of a grasping hand, from which emerges the outline of a photographed bunch of dead blooms, and beside this a lacquer box panelled in a similar green: many such artefacts and finishes in Marc Camille Chaimowicz: Nuit...

Biographies​ of great photographers tend, as you might imagine, to include the moment their subject acquired a camera and took a first shot. We’re asked to conjure little Henri Cartier-Bresson, or Jacques Henri Lartigue, on holiday with his parents and a Box Brownie, everyone eager for images. Chris Killip, who was born in 1946 and died in 2020, had never owned a camera or taken a...

The essay​ can seem to be the cosy heartland of belles-lettres, a place where nothing urgent is ever said. Recently, though, publishers have seemed willing to take on and even promote this...

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What is going on in there? Hypochondria

Hilary Mantel, 5 November 2009

I once knew a man, a Jamaican, who when he first came to England always answered truthfully when asked ‘How are you?’ A bit sniffly, he might reply; or he would describe his...

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