Ben Campbell

From The Blog
17 July 2020

George Mackie is 100 years old today. I first met him a few years ago, at a party celebrating an earlier birthday. My father, Peter Campbell, was in his last year, and not feeling up to the train. He asked me to drive him and my mother to George’s house in Lincolnshire. Peter and George had been writing to one another since George had sent what he describes as a ‘fan letter’ praising the design of the London Review of Books. They had both had long careers as typographers and illustrators. If these jobs are done well, it’s often by being as unobtrusive as possible. As Beatrice Warde argued in ‘The Crystal Goblet, or Printing Should Be Invisible’, ‘almost all the virtues of the perfect wine-glass’ – ‘crystal clear’, ‘thin as a bubble’, ‘transparent’ – ‘have a parallel in typography.’ George thinks that as his eyesight deteriorated, his typography improved. Some of the lost clarity of vision can be repaired by making clearer pages.

From The Blog
5 October 2021

The Q’s dangling tail is not a recent problem, but dates to the first page of the first substantial book printed using moveable type in Europe.


Double Fault

16 November 2023

Bee Wilson writes that Mike Todd, unlike Tom Cruise, knew what a tennis bracelet was, but he couldn’t have (LRB, 16 November). The sort of jewellery it refers to was around at the time he is said to have given one to Elizabeth Taylor for her 25th birthday, but the term wasn’t coined until 1978. During a match at the US Open, Chris Evert asked for play to be paused so that the court might be...

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