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Vol. 32 No. 3 · 11 February 2010

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Vol. 32 No. 3 · 11 February 2010

Toril Moi

The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir and Constance Borde, translated by Sheila Malovany-Chevallier. Cape, 822 pp., £30, November 2009, 978 0 224 07859 7


Terrence O’Keeffe, James Plenn, Gillian Tindall, Santiago Romero, Gabriel Sabbagh, Geoffrey Godbert, Oliver Rivers, Malcolm Hardman, Tania Sanchez, Richard Marriott, Charles Turner, Bernie Corbett, Former NUJ National Organiser, Paul Hatt, John Fletcher

Tim Parks

This Business of Living: Diaries 1935-50 by Cesare Pavese, translated by A.E. Murch. Transaction, 350 pp., £24.50, March 2009, 978 1 4128 1019 7

Stephen W. Smith

Nodding and Winking

Mark Ford

Poem: ‘Gregory of Nazianzus’

Michela Wrong

Six Months in Sudan: A Young Doctor in a War-Torn Village by James Maskalyk. Canongate, 340 pp., £14.99, May 2009, 978 1 84767 274 2

Christopher Kelly

The Recovery of Roman Britain 1586-1906: A Colony so Fertile by Richard Hingley. Oxford, 389 pp., £83, June 2008, 978 0 19 923702 9

Glen Bowersock

The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire by Edward Luttwak. Harvard, 498 pp., £25.95, November 2009, 978 0 674 03519 5

Frederick Seidel

Poem: ‘Then All the Empty Shall Be Full’

James Wood

A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov, translated by Natasha Randall. Penguin, 174 pp., £8.99, August 2009, 978 0 14 310563 3

Inigo Thomas

Short Cuts: The Hudson Plane Crash

Matthew Reynolds

Homer and Langley by E.L. Doctorow. Little, Brown, 224 pp., £11.99, January 2010, 978 1 4087 0215 4

Tom McCarthy

Running Away by Jean-Philippe Toussaint, translated by Matthew Smith. Dalkey, 156 pp., $12.95, November 2009, 978 1 56478 567 1
La Vérité sur Marie by Jean-Philippe Toussaint. Minuit, 204 pp., €14.50, September 2009, 978 2 7073 2088 9

Patrick McGuinness

Poem: ‘Charleville’

Christine Smallwood

A Fortunate Age by Joanna Smith Rakoff. Scribner, 399 pp., $26, April 2009, 978 1 4165 9077 4
The Group by Mary McCarthy. Virago, 448 pp., £7.99, December 2009, 978 1 84408 593 4

Barry Schwabsky

At the Grand Palais: Christian Boltanski

Michael Holroyd

A Tale of Three Novels

Lewis Siegelbaum

The Odd Man Karakozov: Imperial Russia, Modernity and the Birth of Terrorism by Claudia Verhoeven. Cornell, 231 pp., £24.95, May 2009, 978 0 8014 4652 8

August Kleinzahler

Diary: Selling Up

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