Vol. 31 No. 2 · 29 January 2009

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 31 No. 2 · 29 January 2009

Henry Siegman

Israel’s Lies


Clifton Hawkins, Tom Nagel, Michael Holroyd, Tom Stoppard, Patrick Marmion, Chris Horner, Keith Flett, Keith Gessen, Lynn McDonald, Clancy Sigal, Tom Chatfield, Nicholas Pole

Responses to the War in Gaza

Tariq Ali, David Bromwich, Alastair Crooke, Conor Gearty, Eric Hobsbawm, R.W. Johnson, Rashid Khalidi, Yitzhak Laor, John Mearsheimer, Yonatan Mendel, Ilan Pappe, Gabriel Piterberg, Jacqueline Rose, Eliot Weinberger, Michael Wood

David Runciman

Democracy and Knowledge: Innovation and Learning in Classical Athens by Josiah Ober. Princeton, 342 pp., £17.95, November 2008, 978 0 691 13347 8

Glen Newey

Death by a Thousand Cuts by Timothy Brook, Jérôme Bourgon and Gregory Blue. Harvard, 320 pp., £22.95, March 2008, 978 0 674 02773 2
Standard Operating Procedure: A War Story by Philip Gourevitch and Errol Morris. Picador, 286 pp., £8.99, January 2009, 978 0 330 45201 4
Torture Team: Deception, Cruelty and the Compromise of Law by Philippe Sands. Allen Lane, 315 pp., £20, May 2008, 978 1 84614 008 2

Colm Tóibín

Edward Carpenter: A Life of Liberty and Love by Sheila Rowbotham. Verso, 565 pp., £24.99, October 2008, 978 1 84467 295 0

Simon Blackburn

Wittgenstein in Cambridge: Letters and Documents 1911-51 edited by Brian McGuinness. Blackwell, 498 pp., £75, March 2008, 978 1 4051 4701 9

Thomas Jones

Axel Munthe: The Road to San Michele by Bengt Jangfeldt, translated by Harry Watson. Tauris, 381 pp., £25, March 2008, 978 1 84511 720 7

John Lanchester

Short Cuts: the demise of Woolworths

Christopher Tayler

The Slaves of Solitude by Patrick Hamilton. Constable, 327 pp., £7.99, September 2008, 978 1 84529 415 1
The Gorse Trilogy by Patrick Hamilton. Black Spring, 603 pp., £9.95, June 2007, 978 0 948238 34 5

Peter Campbell

At the Natural History Museum: Darwin as Deity

Michael Newton

Me Cheeta: The Autobiography by Cheeta. Fourth Estate, 320 pp., £16.99, October 2008, 978 0 00 727863 3

Eamon Duffy

Flesh Made Word: Saints’ Stories and the Western Imagination by Aviad Kleinberg, translated by Jane Marie Todd. Harvard, 340 pp., £19.95, May 2008, 978 0 674 02647 6

David Harsent

Poem: ‘The Garden Goddess’

Paul Myerscough

Diary: Confessions of a Poker Player

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