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Vol. 26 No. 19 · 7 October 2004

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 26 No. 19 · 7 October 2004

Adam Shatz

The Swallows of Kabul by Yasmina Khadra, translated by John Cullen. Heinemann, 195 pp., £10.99, May 2004, 9780434011414
Wolf Dreams by Yasmina Khadra, translated by Linda Black. Toby, 272 pp., $19.95, May 2003, 1 902881 75 3
Morituri by Yasmina Khadra, translated by David Herman. Toby, 137 pp., £7.95, May 2004, 1 59264 035 4


David A. Bell, Ann Jefferson, Roger Partridge, Paul Burns

Robert VanderMolen

Two Poems

Patrick Cockburn

Helping Bush Win Re-Election

Stephen Sedley

Everything and Nothing

R.W. Johnson

The Guardsmen: Harold Macmillan, Three Friends and the World They Made by Simon Ball. HarperCollins, 456 pp., £25, May 2004, 0 00 257110 2

Rosemary Hill

Sentimental Murder: Love and Madness in the 18th Century by John Brewer. HarperCollins, 340 pp., £20, March 2004, 9780002571340

Susan Eilenberg

Thomas and Jane Carlyle: Portrait of a Marriage by Rosemary Ashton. Pimlico, 560 pp., £15, February 2003, 0 7126 6634 6

Art Spiegelman

A Sunday in the Park … A Season in Heck: New York cartoon

John Sturrock

Short Cuts: Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy

Peter Campbell

Gwen and Augustus John

Thomas Jones

Paradise by A.L. Kennedy. Cape, 344 pp., £14.99, September 2004, 0 224 06258 1

Ian Jackman

High and Mighty: SUVs, the World’s Most Dangerous Vehicles and How They Got That Way by Keith Bradsher. PublicAffairs, 464 pp., $14, December 2003, 1 58648 203 3

Alison Jolly

Lowly Origin: Where, When and Why Our Ancestors First Stood Up by Jonathan Kingdon. Princeton, 396 pp., £22.95, May 2003, 0 691 05086 4

Adam Kuper

Malinowski: Odyssey of an Anthropologist 1884-1920 by Michael Young. Yale, 690 pp., £25, May 2004, 0 300 10294 1

Andreas Huyssen

The Dancer Defects: The Struggle for Cultural Supremacy during the Cold War by David Caute. Oxford, 788 pp., £30, September 2003, 0 19 924908 3

Tom Paulin

Diary: Trimble’s virtues

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