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Vol. 26 No. 5 · 4 March 2004

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Neal Ascherson

After the Revolution


Agnes Hodgson, Alan Thomas, David Beer, Jonathan Bate, Ian Birchall, John Sabapathy, Jeremy Bernstein, Malcolm Thick, Michael Carley, Lanny Anderson

Jenny Diski

Goffman's Legacy edited by Javier Treviño. Rowman and Littlefield, 294 pp., £22.95, August 2003, 0 7425 1978 3

Charles Simic

Two Poems

Frank Kermode

Winnicott: Life and Work by Robert Rodman. Perseus, 461 pp., $30, May 2003, 0 7382 0397 1

Hilary Mantel

The Voices of Gemma Galgani: The Life and Afterlife of a Modern Saint by Rudolph Bell and Cristina Mazzoni. Chicago, 320 pp., £21, March 2003, 0 226 04196 4
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux by Kathryn Harrison. Weidenfeld, 160 pp., £14.99, November 2003, 0 297 84728 7
The Disease of Virgins: Green Sickness, Chlorosis and the Problems of Puberty by Helen King. Routledge, 196 pp., £50, September 2003, 0 415 22662 7
A Wonderful Little Girl: The True Story of Sarah Jacob, the Welsh Fasting Girl by Siân Busby. Short Books, 157 pp., £5.99, June 2004, 1 904095 70 4

Andrew O’Hagan

Saint Morrissey by Mark Simpson. SAF, 224 pp., £16.99, December 2003, 0 946719 65 9
The Smiths: Songs that Saved Your Life by Simon Goddard. Reynolds/Hearn, 272 pp., £14.99, December 2002, 1 903111 47 1

Adam Phillips

Dylan Thomas: A New Life by Andrew Lycett. Weidenfeld, 434 pp., £20, October 2003, 0 297 60793 6

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: ‘Scouting for Boys’

Matthew Reynolds

Landing Light by Don Paterson. Faber, 84 pp., £12.99, September 2003, 0 571 21993 4

David Trotter

Kafka Goes to the Movies by Hanns Zischler, translated by Susan Gillespie. Chicago, 143 pp., £21, January 2003, 0 226 98671 3

Frederick Seidel

Poem: ‘A White Tiger’

Jessica Olin

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri. Flamingo, 291 pp., £15.99, January 2004, 9780002259019

Jerry Fodor

Radiant Cool: A Novel Theory of Consciousness by Dan Lloyd. MIT, 357 pp., £16.95, December 2003, 0 262 12259 6

Nicholas Penny

At the National Gallery: El Greco

Bernard Porter

Cannabis Britannica: Empire, Trade and Prohibition 1800-1928 by James Mills. Oxford, 239 pp., £25, September 2003, 0 19 924938 5

Carol Brightman

How to get on in the new Iraq

James Lasdun

Diary: Losing in Las Vegas

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