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Vol. 25 No. 3 · 6 February 2003

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 25 No. 3 · 6 February 2003

Michael Wood

The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Mann edited by Ritchie Robertson. Cambridge, 257 pp., £45.50, November 2001, 9780521653107
Thomas Mann: A Biography by Hermann Kurzke, translated by Leslie Willson. Allen Lane, 582 pp., £30, January 2002, 0 7139 9500 9


Nick Davis, Graham Kemp, Martin Blyth, Anthony Buckley, Frank Kermode, Peter Robb, Frank Dux, W.S. Milne, Margery Rowe, John Harding, Emer O’Sullivan

Chalmers Johnson

Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers by Daniel Ellsberg. Viking, 498 pp., $29.95, October 2002, 0 670 03030 9

Theo Tait

Collected Stories by Richard Yates. Methuen, 474 pp., £17.99, January 2002, 0 413 77125 3
Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates. Methuen, 346 pp., £6.99, February 2001, 0 413 75710 2
The Easter Parade by Richard Yates. Methuen, 226 pp., £10, January 2003, 0 413 77202 0

Charles Simic

Four Poems

Hilary Mantel

Memories of Catriona

Robert Brenner

Towards the Precipice

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: War Talk

James Meek

Cool Comfort: America’s Romance with Air-Conditioning by M. Ackerman. Smithsonian, 248 pp., £21.50, July 2002, 1 58834 040 6

Jean Sprackland

Three Poems

Jenny Diski

The New Biographical Dictionary of Film by David Thomson. Little, Brown, 963 pp., £25, November 2002, 0 316 85905 2
Nobody’s Perfect: Writings from the ‘New Yorker’ by Anthony Lane. Picador, 752 pp., £15.99, November 2002, 0 330 49182 2
Paris Hollywood: Writings on Film by Peter Wollen. Verso, 314 pp., £13, December 2002, 1 85984 391 3

Frank Kermode

The Wreck of the ‘Abergavenny’ by Alethea Hayter. Macmillan, 223 pp., £14.99, September 2002, 0 333 98917 1

Andrew Saint

In Le Havre

Seamus Perry

The Making of the Poets: Byron and Shelley in Their Time by Ian Gilmour. Chatto, 410 pp., £25, June 2002, 0 7011 7110 3
Byron and Romanticism by Jerome McGann. Cambridge, 321 pp., £47.50, August 2002, 0 521 80958 4

Adrian Woolfson

A New Kind of Science by Stephen Wolfram. Wolfram Media, 1197 pp., £40, May 2002, 1 57955 008 8

Michael Fried

Poem: ‘The Tunnel’

Andrew Berry

Narrow Roads of Gene Land: The Collected Papers of W.D. Hamilton. Vol. II: The Evolution of Sex by W.D. Hamilton. Oxford, 872 pp., £50, January 2001, 0 19 850336 9

Nicholas Penny

Diary: at the races

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