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Vol. 23 No. 11 · 7 June 2001

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Glen Newey

Two Faces of Liberalism by John Gray. Polity, 161 pp., £12.99, August 2000, 0 7456 2259 3


Stan Smith, John Jennings, C. McLeod, William Benemann, Lawrence Hogben, Marion Mainwaring, Lesley Chamberlain, Philip Schreibman

Charles Glass

One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate by Tom Segev, translated by Haim Watzman. Little, Brown, 612 pp., £25, January 2001, 0 316 64859 0
Ploughing Sand: British Rule in Palestine 1917-48 by Naomi Shepherd. Murray, 290 pp., £12.99, September 2000, 0 7195 6322 4

Alan Bennett

Story: ‘The Laying on of Hands’

Peter Campbell

At the Museum of London: Artists’ studios

Edward Luttwak

Power Cuts

Mary Beard

A History of Harrow School by Christopher Tyerman. Oxford, 599 pp., £30, October 2000, 0 19 822796 5

Peter Goldsworthy

Poem: ‘The Operation’

Richard Vinen

Services Spéciaux Algérie 1955-57: Mon témoignage sur la torture by Paul Aussaresses. Perrin, 198 pp., frs 99, May 2001, 2 262 01761 1
Appelés en Algérie: La Parole confisquée by Claire Mauss-Copeaux. Hachette, 332 pp., frs 140, March 1999, 2 01 235475 0

J.L. Nelson

The Perfect Heresy: The Revolutionary Life and Death of the Medieval Cathars by Stephen O’Shea. Profile, 333 pp., £7.99, May 2001, 1 86197 350 0
The Yellow Cross: The Story of the Last Cathars 1290-1329 by René Weis. Viking, 453 pp., £20, November 2000, 0 670 88162 7

David Blackbourn

Something New under the Sun: An Environmental History of the 20th Century by John McNeill. Penguin, 448 pp., £8.99, August 2001, 0 14 029509 7

Graham Robb

The Life of Marie d'Agoult, Alias Daniel Stern by Phyllis Stock-Morton. Johns Hopkins, 291 pp., £33, July 2000, 0 8018 6313 9
Marie d’Agoult: The Rebel Countess by Richard Bolster. Yale, 288 pp., £16.95, September 2000, 0 300 08246 0

Gabriele Annan

Death and the Penguin by Andrey Kurkov, translated by George Bird. Harvill, 228 pp., £9.99, March 2001, 1 86046 835 7

James Francken

number9dream by David Mitchell. Sceptre, 418 pp., £10.99, March 2001, 0 340 73976 2

John Palattella

Other Traditions by John Ashbery. Harvard, 168 pp., £15.50, October 2000, 0 674 00315 2
John Ashbery and American Poetry by David Herd. Manchester, 245 pp., £45, September 2000, 0 7190 5597 0

Victor Sage

Diary: On Lorna Sage

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