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Vol. 20 No. 9 · 7 May 1998

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Edward Said

Between Worlds


John Bayley, Charles Mayo, Ian Carter, Annalena McAfee, Dejan Djokic, Peter Neubauer, Brian Middleton

Douglas Oliver

Two Poems

Murray Sayle

Eric Shipton: Everest and Beyond by Peter Steele. Constable, 290 pp., £18.99, March 1998, 0 09 478300 4

Jean McNicol

Jennie Lee: A Life by Patricia Hollis. Oxford, 459 pp., £25, November 1997, 0 19 821580 0

Colin Kidd

Who’s Afraid of Freemasons? The Phenomenon of Freemasonry by Alexander Piatigorsky. Harvill, 398 pp., £25, August 1997, 1 86046 029 1

Paul Smith

Capital Cities at War: Paris, London, Berlin 1914-1919 edited by Jay Winter and Jean-Louis Robert. Cambridge, 622 pp., £60, March 1997, 0 521 57171 5

Anne Hollander

Tête à Tête: Portraits by Henri Cartier-Bresson edited by E.H. Gombrich. Thames and Hudson, 144 pp., £32, February 1998, 9780500542187
Henri Cartier-Bresson: Europeans edited by Jean Clair. Thames and Hudson, 231 pp., £29.95, January 1998, 0 500 28052 5

Kenneth Silverman

Alfred Kinsey: A Public/Private Life by James Jones. Norton, 937 pp., £28, October 1997, 0 393 04086 0

John Harvey

The Man of Fashion: Male Peacocks and Perfect Gentlemen by Colin McDowell. Thames and Hudson, 208 pp., £29.95, October 1997, 0 500 01797 2

Joanna Kavenna

The Monkey's Mask by Dorothy Porter. Serpent’s Tail, 264 pp., £9.99, October 1997, 1 85242 549 0

Zoë Heller

Paradise by Toni Morrison. Chatto, 300 pp., £16.99, April 1998, 0 7011 6041 1

Jeremy Harding

No One Leaves Her Place in Line

Tobias Jones

Diary: The Politics of Football

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