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Vol. 19 No. 22 · 13 November 1997

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 19 No. 22 · 13 November 1997

R.W. Johnson

Lord Hailsham: A Life by Geoffrey Lewis. Cape, 403 pp., £25, October 1997, 0 224 04252 1


Russell Seitz, Michael Dobson, Keith Flett, R.V. Ward, Leonard Pepper, Helene Solheim, Alan Malachowski, Reviel Netz, John Black, Ruben Mendez

Tobias Hill

Poem: ‘The Pilot in Winter’

Keith Thomas

The Fall and Rise of the Stately Home by Peter Mandler. Yale, 523 pp., £19.95, April 1997, 0 300 06703 8
Ancient as the Hills by James Lees-Milne. Murray, 228 pp., £20, July 1997, 0 7195 5596 5
The Fate of the English Country House by David Littlejohn. Oxford, 344 pp., £20, May 1997, 9780195088762

Hugh Honour

A Dictionary of British and Irish Travellers in Italy 1701-1800 compiled by John Ingamells. Yale, 1070 pp., £50, May 1997, 0 300 07165 5

E.S. Turner

‘Punch’: The Lively Youth of a British Institution, 1841-51 by Richard Altick. Ohio State, 776 pp., £38.50, July 1997, 0 8142 0710 3

Jonathan Rée

Truth: A History by Felipe Fernández-Armesto. Bantam, 247 pp., £12.99, October 1997, 0 593 04140 2

Peter Clarke

Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals edited by Niall Ferguson. Picador, 548 pp., £20, April 1997, 9780330351324

Thomas Powers

The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House during the Cuban Missile Crisis edited by Ernest May and Philip Zelikow. Harvard, 728 pp., £23.50, October 1997, 0 674 17926 9
‘One Hell of a Gamble’: The Secret History of the Cuban Missile Crisis by Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali. Murray, 420 pp., £25, September 1997, 0 7195 5518 3

John Sturrock

Victor Hugo by Graham Robb. Picador, 682 pp., £20, October 1997, 0 330 33707 6

Peter Campbell

The Sweetness of Life: A Biography of Elizabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun by Angelica Goodden. Deutsch, 384 pp., £19.99, June 1997, 0 233 99021 6

Michael Wood

Duchamp: A Biography by Calvin Tomkins. Chatto, 350 pp., £25, April 1997, 0 7011 6642 8
The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp by Arturo Schwartz. Thames and Hudson, 292 pp., £145, September 1997, 0 500 09250 8

Michael Dobson

The Origins of English Nonsense by Noel Malcolm. HarperCollins, 329 pp., £18, May 1997, 0 00 255827 0

Mary Hawthorne

A Traveller in Residence

Lorna Scott Fox

Diary: ETA goes to the Guggenheim

P.N. Furbank

The Treasure Chest by Johann Peter Hebel, translated by John Hibberd. Libris/Penguin, 175 pp., £19.95, May 1995, 0 14 044639 7

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