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Vol. 15 No. 19 · 7 October 1993

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Vol. 15 No. 19 · 7 October 1993

Lorna Sage

The Old Devil and his wife


E.E. Duncan-Jones, Ronan Bennett, James MacGibbon, George Tintor, Howard Kahane, Mervyn Jones, John Lee, Vincent Brome, Tony Tanner, Nicholas Pearson

Brad Leithauser

Poem: ‘Another Dream’

Marina Warner

Elizabeth’s Glass by Marc Shell. Nebraska, 365 pp., £30.95, July 1993, 0 8032 4216 6

Felipe Fernández-Armesto

Isabel the Queen: Life and Times by Peggy Liss. Oxford, 398 pp., £19.95, January 1993, 0 19 507356 8

Robert Tombs

Maximilian and Juárez by Jasper Ridley. Constable, 353 pp., £16.95, March 1993, 0 09 472070 3
Maximilian’s Lieutenant: A Personal History of the Mexican Campaign, 1864-7 by Ernst Pitner, translated and edited by Gordon Etherington-Smith. Tauris, 256 pp., £35, October 1993, 9781850435600

Michael Wood

Paris and the 19th Century by Christopher Prendergast. Blackwell, 283 pp., £35, June 1993, 0 631 15788 3

Richard Wollheim

Love of Beginnings by J.-B. Pontalis, translated by James Greene and Marie-Christine Régius. Free Association, 260 pp., £13.95, May 1993, 9781853431296

Jerry Fodor

A Study of Concepts by Christopher Peacocke. MIT, 266 pp., £24.95, December 1992, 0 262 16133 8

Denis Donoghue

Beckett’s Dying Words by Christopher Ricks. Oxford, 218 pp., £17.50, July 1993, 0 19 812358 2

Thomas Crump

Liquid Life: Abortion and Buddhism in Japan by William LaFleur. Princeton, 252 pp., £24.95, January 1993, 0 691 07405 4

Michael Hofmann

Stand before Your God: Growing up to Be a Writer by Paul Watkins. Faber, 203 pp., £14.99, August 1993, 0 571 16944 9

Ian Hamilton

Up at Oxford by Ved Mehta. Murray, 432 pp., £17.99, September 1993, 0 7195 5287 7

Colin MacCabe

My Idea of Fun by Will Self. Bloomsbury, 309 pp., £14.99, September 1993, 0 7475 1591 3

Giles Gordon

Diary: Experimental Sideshows

David Bromwich

Romanticism and Contemporary Criticism: The Gauss Seminars and Other Papers by Paul de Man, edited by E.S. Burt, Kevin Newmark and Andrzej Warminski. Johns Hopkins, 212 pp., £21.50, March 1993, 0 8018 4461 4
Serenity in Crisis: A Preface to Paul de Man 1939-1960 by Ortwin de Graef. Nebraska, 240 pp., £29.95, January 1993, 0 8032 1694 7

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