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Vol. 15 No. 3 · 11 February 1993

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Vol. 15 No. 3 · 11 February 1993

Nicholas Spice

Benjamin Britten by Humphrey Carpenter. Faber, 680 pp., £20, September 1992, 0 571 14324 5


Denis MacShane, John Sturrock, W.A. Suchting, Jacqueline Castles, Stuart Pierson, Earl Miner, Warren Keith Wright, Ruth Evans, G.J. Cook

Elaine Showalter

Sex, Art and American Culture by Camille Paglia. Viking, 256 pp., £16.99, March 1993, 0 670 84612 0

Jenny Diski

The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer by Brian Masters. Hodder, 242 pp., £14.99, February 1993, 0 340 57482 8

Frank Kermode

Meaning by Shakespeare by Terence Hawkes. Routledge, 173 pp., £30, October 1992, 0 415 07450 9
Shakespeare’s Professional Career by Peter Thomson. Cambridge, 217 pp., £24.95, September 1992, 0 521 35128 6
Shakespeare’s Mouldy Tales by Leah Scragg. Longman, 201 pp., £24, October 1992, 0 582 07071 6
Reading Shakespeare’s Characters by Christy Desmet. Massachusetts, 215 pp., £22.50, December 1992, 0 87023 807 8
Bit Parts in Shakespeare’s Plays by Molly Mahood. Cambridge, 252 pp., £35, January 1993, 0 521 41612 4

Edward Said

Wagner in Performance edited by Barry Millington and Stewart Spencer. Yale, 214 pp., £19.95, July 1992, 0 300 05718 0
Wagner: Race and Revolution by Paul Lawrence Rose. Faber, 304 pp., £20, June 1992, 9780571164653
Wagner Handbook edited by Ulrich Müller and Peter Wapnewski, translated by John Deathridge. Harvard, 711 pp., £27.50, October 1992, 0 674 94530 1
Richard Wagner’s Visit to Rossini and An Evening at Rossini’s in Beau-Séjour by Edmond Michotte, translated by Herbert Weinstock. Quartet, 144 pp., £12.95, November 1992, 9780704370319

Hugo Williams

Four Poems

Ross McKibbin

Defeat from the Jaws of Victory: Inside Neil Kinnock’s Labour Party by Richard Heffernan and Mike Marqusee. Verso, 344 pp., £9.95, November 1992, 0 86091 351 1

Michael Howard

Never Again: Britain 1945-51 by Peter Hennessy. Cape, 544 pp., £20, September 1992, 0 224 02768 9
Churchill on the Home Front 1900-1955 by Paul Addison. Cape, 493 pp., £20, November 1992, 0 224 01428 5

Thomas Healy

Living Dangerously: Young Offenders in their Own Words by Roger Graef. HarperCollins, 262 pp., £14.99, January 1993, 0 00 215967 8

Will Self

Complete Prose by Woody Allen. Picador, 473 pp., £14.99, November 1992, 0 330 32820 4

Patrick Parrinder

The Porcupine by Julian Barnes. Cape, 138 pp., £9.99, November 1992, 0 224 03618 1

Ronan Bennett

Inshallah by Oriana Fallaci, translated by James Marcus. Chatto, 599 pp., £15.99, November 1992, 0 7011 3835 1

Nicholas Penny

Jacopo della Quercia by James Beck. Columbia, 598 pp., $109.50, February 1992, 0 231 07200 7
Michelangelo and the Creation of the Sistine Chapel by Robin Richmond. Barrie and Jenkins, 160 pp., £18.99, April 1992, 0 7126 5290 6
Rembrandt. The Master and his Workshop: Paintings by Christopher Brown, Jan Kelch and Pieter van Thiel. Yale, 396 pp., £35, September 1991, 0 300 05149 2
Michelangelo’s Drawings: The Science of Attribution by Alexander Perrig. Yale, 299 pp., £35, June 1991, 0 300 03948 4
Michelangelo and his Drawings by Michael Hirst. Yale, 128 pp., £14.95, August 1990, 0 300 04391 0
The Poetry of Michelangelo: An Annotated Translation by James Saslow. Yale, 559 pp., £22.50, April 1991, 0 300 04960 9

Stephen Smith

Diary: What about Somalia?

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