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Vol. 13 No. 22 · 21 November 1991

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Vol. 13 No. 22 · 21 November 1991

Richard Rorty

Consciousness Explained by Daniel Dennett. Little, Brown, 514 pp., $27.95, October 1991, 0 316 18065 3


James Callaghan, Christopher Price, Göran Bengtson, Freddy Hurdis-Jones, Robert Hampson, Richard North, Frank Kermode

Linda Colley

A Passion for Government: The Life of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough by Frances Harris. Oxford, 421 pp., £25, September 1991, 0 19 820224 5

Ian Hacking

Locke. Vol. I: Epistemology by Michael Ayers. Routledge, 341 pp., £90, September 1991, 0 415 06406 6
Locke. Vol. II: Ontology by Michael Ayers. Routledge, 341 pp., £90, September 1991, 0 415 06407 4

Frank Kermode

Minor Prophecies: The Literary Essay in the Culture Wars by Geoffrey Hartman. Harvard, 252 pp., £23.95, October 1991, 0 674 57636 5
Spinoza and the Origins of Modern Critical Theory by Christopher Norris. Blackwell, 240 pp., £30, July 1990, 0 631 17557 1
What’s wrong with Postmodernism: Critical Theory and the Ends of Philosophy by Christopher Norris. Harvester, 287 pp., £40, October 1990, 0 7450 0714 7

Vicki Feaver

Poem: ‘Right Hand’

Philip Horne

The Jameses: A Family Narrative by R.W.B. Lewis. Deutsch, 696 pp., £20, October 1991, 0 233 98748 7
Meaning in Henry James by Millicent Bell. Harvard, 384 pp., £35.95, October 1991, 9780674557628

John Bayley

By Heart. Elizabeth Smart: A Life by Rosemary Sullivan. Lime Tree, 415 pp., £17.99, October 1991, 0 413 45341 3

Anthony Thwaite

Poem: ‘Elegy for George Barker’

T.H. Irwin

Socrates, Ironist and Moral Philosopher by Gregory Vlastos. Cambridge, 334 pp., £35, April 1991, 0 521 30733 3

John Lloyd

The Soviet Mafia by Arkady Vaksberg, translated by John Roberts and Elizabeth Roberts. Weidenfeld, 275 pp., £19.99, September 1991, 0 297 81202 5

Branka Magas

Losing the war in Yugoslavia

Ian Aitken

Time to declare by David Owen. Joseph, 822 pp., £20, September 1991, 0 7181 3514 8

Hilary Mantel

Almost a Gentleman. An Autobiography: Vol. II 1955-66 by John Osborne. Faber, 273 pp., £14.99, November 1991, 0 571 16261 4

C.K. Stead

Diary: New Zealand Writers

John Lanchester

Among the Thugs by Bill Buford. Secker, 317 pp., £14.99, October 1991, 0 436 07526 1
A Strange Kind of Glory by Eamon Dunphy. Heinemann, 396 pp., £14.99, September 1991, 9780434216161

Patrick Parrinder

The Runaway Soul by Harold Brodkey. Cape, 835 pp., £15.99, November 1991, 0 224 03001 9

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