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Vol. 13 No. 14 · 25 July 1991

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Cover Artist

Cecil Beaton

Richard Rorty

The Later Works 1925-1953. Vol. XVII: Miscellaneous Writings, 1885-1953 by John Dewey, edited by Jo Ann Boydston. Southern Illinois, 786 pp., $50, August 1990, 0 8093 1661 7
Dewey by J.E. Tiles. Routledge, 256 pp., £35, December 1988, 0 415 00908 1
John Dewey and American Democracy by Robert Westbrook. Cornell, 608 pp., $32.95, May 1991, 0 8014 2560 3
Beloved Community: The Cultural Criticism of Randolph Bourne, Van Wyck Brooks, Waldo Frank and Lewis Mumford by Casey Blake. North Carolina, 370 pp., $38.45, November 1990, 0 8078 1935 2


Donald Logan, Arthur C. Danto, Colin McGinn, John Skoyles, Karina Williamson

Thomas Nagel

Isaiah Berlin: A Celebration by Edna Margalit and Avishai Margalit. Hogarth, 224 pp., £25, June 1991, 0 7012 0925 9

Branka Magas

Requiem far Yugoslavia

John Lloyd

The Party’s over

John Hedley Brooke

Michael Faraday: Sandemanian and Scientist by Geoffrey Cantor. Macmillan, 359 pp., £40, May 1991, 0 333 55077 3

Paul Addison

The Cambridge Social History of Britain, 1750-1950. Vol I.: Regions and Communities edited by F.M.L. Thompson. Cambridge, 608 pp., June 1990, 0 521 25788 3
The Cambridge Social History of Britain, 1750-1950. Vol II.: People and Their Environment edited by F.M.L. Thompson. Cambridge, 392 pp., June 1990, 0 521 25789 1
The Temper of the Times: British Society since World War Two by Bill Williamson. Blackwell, 308 pp., £30, August 1990, 0 631 15919 3

Julian Symons

A Den of Foxes by Stuart Hood. Methuen, 217 pp., £13.99, July 1991, 9780413651105
Dirty Tricks by Michael Dibdin. Faber, 241 pp., £13.99, June 1991, 0 571 16216 9
A Strange and Sublime Address by Amit Chaudhuri. Heinemann, 209 pp., £13.99, June 1991, 9780434123483
Spider by Patrick McGrath. Viking, 221 pp., £13.99, April 1991, 0 670 83684 2

Christopher Hitchens

Edwina Mountbatten: A Life of Her Own by Janet Morgan. HarperCollins, 509 pp., £20, July 1991, 0 00 217597 5

Linda Colley

Nancy Reagan: The Unauthorised Biography by Kitty Kelley. Bantam, 532 pp., £16.99, April 1991, 0 593 02450 8

Michael Wood

You’ll never eat lunch in this town again by Julia Phillips. Heinemann, 650 pp., £15.99, June 1991, 0 434 58801 6

Michael Dummett

The Oxford Guide to Card Games by David Parlett. Oxford, 361 pp., £15, October 1990, 0 19 214165 1

Anthony Snodgrass

Centuries of Darkness by Peter James. Chatto, 434 pp., £19.99, April 1991, 9780224026475

Charles Nicholl

Talking It Over by Julian Barnes. Cape, 288 pp., £13.99, July 1991, 0 224 03157 0

Tony Gould

Stanley: The Making of an African Explorer by Frank McLynn. Constable, 411 pp., £17.95, October 1989, 0 09 462420 8
Stanley: Sorcerer’s Apprentice by Frank McLynn. Constable, 499 pp., £25, January 1991, 0 09 470220 9
Dark Safari: The Life behind the Legend of Henry Morton Stanley by John Bierman. Hodder, 401 pp., £17.95, January 1991, 0 340 50977 5

Ruth Fainlight

Poem: ‘New-Born’

John Bayley

Diary: On Retiring

Gillon Aitken

Bidding for Yoko

Tariq Latif

Poem: ‘My Hands’

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