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Vol. 13 No. 4 · 21 February 1991

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David King

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Vol. 13 No. 4 · 21 February 1991

Robert Post

Languages of Law: From Logics of Memory to Nomadic Masks by Peter Goodrich. Weidenfeld, 353 pp., £30, August 1990, 0 297 82024 9
Post-Modern Law: Enlightenment, Revolution and the Death of Man edited by Anthony Carty. Edinburgh, 166 pp., £25, August 1990, 0 7486 0156 2


Doris Lessing, Anita Kermode, Albert Jordan, Perry Anderson, Michael Payne, Jeremy Harding, Gertrud Walton, G.O. Jones

Robert Fisk

War Aims

Sean Maguire

Veni, Vidi, Video

Paul Addison

The People’s Peace: British History 1945-1989 by Kenneth O. Morgan. Oxford, 558 pp., £17.95, October 1990, 0 19 822764 7

Frank Kermode

Writer’s Block by Zachary Leader. Johns Hopkins, 325 pp., £19.50, January 1991, 0 8018 4032 5

John Bayley

Samuel Butler: A Biography by Peter Raby. Hogarth, 334 pp., £25, February 1991, 0 7012 0890 2

Francis Spufford

Poem: ‘A Letter to Wystan Auden, from Iceland’

D.J. Enright

The Collected Letters of Charles Hamilton Sorley edited by Jean Moorcroft Wilson. Cecil Woolf, 310 pp., £25, November 1990, 9780900821547
Ivor Gurney: Collected Letters edited by R.K.R Thornton. Mid-Northumberland Arts Group/Carcanet, 579 pp., £25, February 1991, 0 85635 941 6

Julian Symons

By Grand Central Station I sat down and wept by Elizabeth Smart. Paladin, 112 pp., £3.99, January 1991, 0 586 09039 8
The Assumption of the Rogues and Rascals by Elizabeth Smart. Paladin, 112 pp., £3.99, January 1991, 0 586 09040 1
Necessary Secrets: The Journals of Elizabeth Smart edited by Alice Van Wart. Grafton, 305 pp., £14.99, January 1991, 0 246 13653 7

Blake Morrison

The Chatto Book of Love Poetry edited by John Fuller. Chatto, 374 pp., £13.99, August 1990, 0 7011 3453 4
The Faber Book of Blue Verse edited by John Whitworth. Faber, 305 pp., £14.99, October 1990, 0 571 14095 5
Self-Portrait with a Slide by Hugo Williams. Oxford, 62 pp., £5.95, June 1990, 0 19 282744 8
The Virago Book of Love Poetry edited by Wendy Mulford. Virago, 288 pp., £6.99, November 1990, 1 85381 030 4
Erotica: An Anthology of Women’s Writing edited by Margaret Reynolds, foreword by Jeanette Winterson . Pandora, 362 pp., £19.99, November 1990, 9780044406723
Daddy, Daddy by Paul Durcan. Blackstaff, 185 pp., £5.95, August 1990, 0 85640 446 2

Nicolas Tredell

Love in a Life by Andrew Motion. Faber, 62 pp., £11.99, March 1991, 0 571 16101 4
Three Variations on the Theme of Harm: Selected Poetry and Prose by Douglas Oliver. Paladin, 255 pp., £6.99, November 1990, 0 586 08962 4
Spoils of War by John Eppel. Carrefour Press, 48 pp., August 1989, 0 620 13315 5
Music for Brass by Brian Waltham. Peterloo, 64 pp., £5.95, November 1990, 1 871471 20 6
Lapidary by Rosamund Stanhope. Peterloo, 64 pp., £5.95, November 1990, 1 871471 19 2

Ian Hacking

Cognitive Foundations of Natural History: Towards an Anthropology of Science by Scott Atran. Cambridge, 360 pp., £35, August 1990, 0 521 37293 3

Anthony Quinn

Leaving Brooklyn by Lynne Sharon Schwartz. Minerva, 146 pp., £4.99, December 1990, 0 7493 9072 7
Surrogate City by Hugo Hamilton. Faber, 197 pp., £12.99, November 1990, 0 571 14432 2

Martin Kettle

About Turn. The Communist Party and the Outbreak of the Second World War: The Verbatim Record of the Central Committee Meetings 1939 edited by Francis King and George Matthews. Lawrence and Wishart, 318 pp., £34.95, November 1990, 9780853157267

Boris Ford

Maerdy Diary: The last pit closes

R.W. Johnson

Rowley Arenstein, friend of Mandela, supporter of Buthelezi, talks to R.W. Johnson

Stephen Gray

Poem: ‘Letter’

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