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Vol. 5 No. 17 · 15 September 1983

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Vol. 5 No. 17 · 15 September 1983

David Cannadine

King George V by Kenneth Rose. Weidenfeld, 514 pp., £12.95, July 1983, 0 297 78245 2


John McDowell, Linda Levy Peck, Marilyn Butler, Nicolas Walter, Robert Wilcocks

Frank Kermode

The Forties: From the Notebooks and Diaries of the Period by Edmund Wilson, edited and introduced by Leon Edel. Macmillan, 369 pp., £14.95, August 1983, 0 333 21212 6
The Portable Edmund Wilson edited by Lewis Dabney. Penguin, 647 pp., £3.95, May 1983, 0 14 015098 6
To the Finland Station by Edmund Wilson. Macmillan, 487 pp., £5.95, September 1983, 0 333 35143 6

Penelope Gilliatt

The Road to Tara: The Life of Margaret Mitchell by Anne Edwards. Hodder, 369 pp., £9.95, July 1983, 0 340 32348 5

S.E.G Curtis

Poem: ‘Colleague’

Alan Brownjohn

Poem: ‘In a Restaurant’

Onora O’Neill

Feminism by John Charvet. Dent, 159 pp., £7.95, August 1982, 0 460 10255 9
Women, Reason and Nature by Carol McMillan. Blackwell, 165 pp., £12.50, August 1982, 0 631 12496 9

Jose Harris

Eve and the New Jerusalem: Socialism and Feminism in the 19th Century by Barbara Taylor. Virago, 402 pp., £9.95, March 1983, 0 86068 257 9
Virgins and Viragos: A History of Women in Scotland from 1080 to 1980 by Rosalind Marshall. Collins, 365 pp., £13.50, June 1983, 0 00 216039 0

John Bayley

The Russian Revolutionary Novel: Turgenev to Pasternak by Richard Freeborn. Cambridge, 256 pp., £27.50, January 1983, 0 521 24442 0
Boris Pasternak: His Life and Art by Guy de Mallac. Souvenir, 450 pp., £14.95, February 1983, 0 285 62558 6
Pasternak: A Biography by Ronald Hingley. Weidenfeld, 294 pp., £12.95, August 1983, 9780297782070
Selected Poems by Boris Pasternak, translated by Jon Stallworthy and Peter France. Allen Lane, 160 pp., £7.50, February 1983, 0 7139 1497 1
Poets of Modern Russia by Peter France. Cambridge, 240 pp., £20, February 1983, 0 521 23490 5
Russian Literature since the Revolution by Edward Brown. Harvard, 413 pp., £20, December 1982, 0 674 78203 8

Maurice Bloch

Karl Marx Collective: Economy, Society and Religion in a Siberian Collective Farm by Caroline Humphrey. Cambridge, 522 pp., £30, July 1983, 0 521 24456 0

Dan Jacobson

Final Judgment: My Life as a Soviet Defence Lawyer by Dina Kaminskaya, translated by Michael Glenny. Harvill, 364 pp., £12.95, August 1983, 0 00 262811 2
Memoirs by Petro Grigorenko, translated by Thomas Whitney. Harvill, 462 pp., £15, April 1983, 0 00 272276 3
Notes of a Revolutionary by Andrei Amalrik. Weidenfeld, 343 pp., £12.50, July 1983, 0 297 77905 2

Paul Rogers

The Road to Goose Green

Sydney Checkland

Exploring the Urban Past: Essays in Urban History by H.J. Dyos edited by David Cannadine and David Reeder. Cambridge, 258 pp., £20, September 1982, 0 521 24624 5
Themes in Urban History: Patricians, Power and Politics in 19th-Century Towns edited by David Cannadine. Leicester University Press, 224 pp., £16.50, October 1982, 9780718511937

Peter Lamarque

The Critical Historians of Art by Michael Podro. Yale, 257 pp., £15, November 1982, 0 300 02862 8
A World History of Art by Hugh Honour and John Fleming. Macmillan, 639 pp., £17.50, September 1982, 0 333 23583 5
The Test of Time: An Essay in Philosophical Aesthetics by Anthony Savile. Oxford, 319 pp., £20, July 1982, 0 19 824590 4

J.I.M. Stewart

M.R. James: An Informal Portrait by Michael Cox. Oxford, 268 pp., £14.50, June 1983, 0 19 211765 3

Pat Rogers

Shame by Salman Rushdie. Cape, 287 pp., £7.95, September 1983, 0 224 02952 5
Scandal by A.N. Wilson. Hamish Hamilton, 233 pp., £8.95, September 1983, 0 241 11101 3
Love and Glory by Melvyn Bragg. Secker, 252 pp., £7.95, September 1983, 0 436 06716 1
The Complete Knowledge of Sally Fry by Sylvia Murphy. Gollancz, 172 pp., £7.95, September 1983, 0 575 03353 3

Claude Rawson

The Borrowers Avenged by Mary Norton. Kestrel, 285 pp., £5.50, October 1982, 0 7226 5804 4

Ian Hamilton

Diary: At Lord’s

D.A.N. Jones

George Borrow: Eccentric by Michael Collie. Cambridge, 275 pp., £19.50, November 1982, 0 521 24615 6
A World of his Own: The Double Life of George Borrow by David Williams. Oxford, 178 pp., £7.95, September 1982, 0 19 211762 9
Eothen: Traces of Travel Brought Home from the East by Alexander Kinglake and Jan Morris. Oxford, 279 pp., £2.95, November 1982, 0 19 281361 7
Eothen by Alexander Kinglake and Jonathan Raban. Century, 226 pp., £6.95, September 1982, 0 7126 0031 0

Aidan Higgins

Beneath the Ice-Shelf

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