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Vol. 4 No. 8 · 6 May 1982

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Cover Artist

Abram Shterenberg

Anita Brookner

Mrs Harris by Diana Trilling. Hamish Hamilton, 341 pp., £8.95, May 1982, 0 241 10822 5


Solly Zuckerman, Ian Gilmour, Nicholas Murray, Rosemary Burton, Michael Horovitz, Blake Morrison, Arthur Freeman

Graham Hough

Culture and Sincerity

Mary-Kay Wilmers

Every Secret Thing by Patricia Hearst and Alvin Moscow. Methuen, 466 pp., £8.95, February 1982, 0 413 50460 3
A Death in California by Joan Barthel. Allen Lane, 370 pp., £7.95, March 1982, 0 7139 1472 6

Malcolm Deas


Dan Jacobson

Disraeli’s Grand Tour: Benjamin Disraeli and the Holy Land 1830-31 by Robert Blake. Weidenfeld, 141 pp., £8.95, January 1982, 0 297 77910 9

Michael Hofmann

Two Poems

Paul Addison

Churchill’s Political Philosophy by Martin Gilbert. Oxford, 119 pp., £8, November 1981, 0 19 726005 5
Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years by Martin Gilbert. Macmillan, 279 pp., £8.95, September 1981, 0 333 32564 8
Churchill and de Gaulle by François Kersaudy. Collins, 476 pp., £12.95, September 1981, 0 00 216328 4
The Diaries of Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart edited by Kenneth Young. Macmillan, 800 pp., £30, October 1981, 0 333 18480 7
Churchill’s Indian Summer by Anthony Seldon. Hodder, 667 pp., £14.95, October 1981, 0 340 25456 4

Martin Gilbert

Mussolini by Denis Mack Smith. Weidenfeld, 429 pp., £12.95, February 1982, 0 297 78005 0
Mussolini Unleashed 1939-41 by MacGregor Knox. Cambridge, 384 pp., £22.50, March 1982, 0 521 23917 6

Ruth Fainlight

Poem: ‘Death’s Love-Bite’

Frank Kermode

Joseph Conrad: A Biography by Roger Tennant. Sheldon Press, 276 pp., £12.50, January 1982, 0 85969 358 9
Edward Garnett: A Life in Literature by George Jefferson. Cape, 350 pp., £12.50, April 1982, 0 224 01488 9
The Edwardian Novelists by John Batchelor. Duckworth, 251 pp., £18, February 1982, 0 7156 1109 7
The Uses of Obscurity: The Fiction of Early Modernism by Allon White. Routledge, 190 pp., £12, August 1981, 0 7100 0751 5

Patricia Beer

The Young Rebecca: Writings of Rebecca West 1911-17 by Jane Marcus. Macmillan, 340 pp., £9.95, April 1982, 0 333 25589 5
The Harsh Voice by Rebecca West, introduced by Alexandra Pringle. Virago, 250 pp., £2.95, February 1982, 0 86068 249 8
The Meaning of Treason by Rebecca West. Virago, 439 pp., £3.95, February 1982, 0 86068 256 0
1990 by Rebecca West. Weidenfeld, 190 pp., £10, February 1982, 9780297779636

Marilyn Butler

An Unsuitable Attachment by Barbara Pym. Macmillan, 256 pp., £6.95, February 1982, 0 333 32654 7

John Sutherland

Headbirths, or The Germans are dying out by Günter Grass, translated by Ralph Manheim. Secker, 136 pp., £6.95, March 1982, 0 436 18777 9
The Skating Party by Marina Warner. Weidenfeld, 180 pp., £6.95, April 1982, 0 297 78113 8
Sour Sweet by Timothy Mo. Deutsch, 252 pp., £7.95, April 1982, 0 233 97365 6
At Freddie’s by Penelope Fitzgerald. Collins, 182 pp., £6.50, March 1982, 0 00 222064 4

Michael Mason

The Politics of Culture and Other Essays by Roger Scruton. Carcanet, 245 pp., £8.95, October 1981, 0 85635 362 0

Robert Ilson

Oxford American Dictionary  Oxford, 816 pp., £9.95, March 1981, 0 19 502795 7
Longman New Generation Dictionary  Longman, 798 pp., £3.95, July 1981, 0 582 55626 0
Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary  Harper and Row, 890 pp., £4.95, February 1981, 0 06 180254 9

A.J.P. Taylor

Diary: A historian should have more sense

Melvyn Bragg and Saul Bellow

In conversation with Melvyn Bragg, Saul Bellow talks about his new novel, and about the women of Eastern Europe

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