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Vol. 4 No. 3 · 18 February 1982

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Vol. 4 No. 3 · 18 February 1982

David Hoy

Deciding Derrida


Richard Webster, Tom Bower, D.J. Enright

A.J.P. Taylor

Britain and the Cold War 1941-1947 by Victor Rothwell. Cape, 551 pp., £16, January 1982, 0 224 01478 1

David Marquand

The People and the Party System: The Referendum and Electoral Reform in British Politics by Vernon Bogdanor. Cambridge, 285 pp., £20, September 1981, 9780521242073

Ian Gilmour

The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East by Mahmoud Riad. Quartet, 365 pp., £11.95, October 1981, 0 7043 2297 8
Palestinian Self-Determination by Hassan Bin Talal. Quartet, 138 pp., £6.95, July 1981, 0 7043 2312 5
This Year in Jerusalem by Kenneth Cragg. Darton, Longman and Todd, 192 pp., £5.95, February 1982, 0 232 51524 7

Malise Ruthven

Covering Islam by Edward Said. Routledge, 224 pp., £8.95, October 1981, 0 7100 0840 6
Heart-Beguiling Araby by Kathryn Tidrick. Cambridge, 224 pp., £12.50, July 1981, 0 521 23483 2
Inside the Iranian Revolution by John Stempel. Indiana, 336 pp., £10.50, December 1981, 0 253 14200 8
The Return of the Ayatollah by Mohamed Heikal. Deutsch, 218 pp., £9.95, November 1981, 0 233 97404 0
Sadat by David Hirst and Irene Beeson. Faber, 384 pp., £11.50, December 1981, 0 571 11690 6

Paul Sieghart

Cheap Fares and the Rule of Law

P.F. Strawson

Theories and Things by W.V. Quine. Harvard, 219 pp., £8.75, November 1981, 0 674 87925 2

Stuart Hampshire

Moral Luck by Bernard Williams. Cambridge, 173 pp., £16.50, December 1981, 0 521 24372 6

Alasdair MacIntyre

Explaining America: The ‘Federalist’ by Garry Wills. Athlone, 286 pp., £14.50, August 1981, 0 485 30003 6
James McCosh and the Scottish Intellectual Tradition by David Hoeveler. Princeton, 374 pp., £13.70, June 1981, 0 691 04670 0

Edward Mendelson

Old Glory: An American Voyage by Jonathan Raban. Collins, 527 pp., £9.95, October 1981, 9780002165211
No particular place to go by Hugo Williams. Cape, 200 pp., £6.50, October 1981, 0 224 01810 8

Tony Tanner

Plotting the Golden West: American Literature and the Rhetoric of the California Trail by Stephen Fender. Cambridge, 241 pp., £15, January 1982, 0 521 23924 9
Witnesses to a Vanishing America: The 19th-Century Response by Lee Clark Mitchell. Princeton, 320 pp., £10.70, July 1981, 9780691064611

Hans Magnus Enzensberger, translated by Michael Hamburger

Poem: ‘The Divorce’

Ruth Bernard Yeazell

‘All that summer she was mad’: Virginia Woolf and Her Doctors by Stephen Trombley. Junction, 338 pp., £12.50, November 1981, 9780862450397

Claude Rawson

Acts of Implication by Irvin Ehrenpreis. California, 158 pp., £9, June 1981, 0 520 04047 3

Alan Hollinghurst

Sea to the West by Norman Nicholson. Faber, 64 pp., £3, June 1981, 0 571 11729 5
Out for the Elements by Andrew Waterman. Carcanet, 151 pp., £3.95, October 1981, 0 85635 377 9
Between Here and Now by R.S. Thomas. Macmillan, 110 pp., £5.95, November 1981, 0 333 32186 3
Poetry Introduction Five  Faber, 121 pp., £5.25, January 1982, 0 571 11793 7

Ted Hughes

Poem: ‘Sing the Rat’

C.H. Sisson

The Public School Revolution: Britain’s Independent Schools, 1964-1979 by John Rae. Faber, 188 pp., £6.50, September 1981, 0 571 11789 9

Julian Barnes

Story: ‘One of a Kind – a story’

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