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UK Law

John Horgan, 16 August 1990

Stolen Years: Before and After Guildford 
by Paul Hill and Ronan Bennett.
Doubleday, 287 pp., £12.99, June 1990, 0 385 40125 6
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Proved Innocent 
by Gerry Conlon.
Hamish Hamilton, 234 pp., £12.99, June 1990, 0 241 13065 4
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Cage Eleven 
by Gerry Adams.
Brandon, 156 pp., £4.95, June 1990, 0 86322 114 9
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The Poisoned Tree: The untold truth about the Police conspiracy to discredit John Stalker and destroy me 
by Kevin Taylor and Keith Mumby.
Sidgwick, 219 pp., £15, May 1990, 0 283 06056 5
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... suspicions were well-founded. The monolith which has cracked is one which straddles the Irish Sea. Hill’s book and Conlon’s make this clear. After their arrest and trial, and the brief flurry of protest, there was a long period, reaching well into the Eighties, when the sense of injustice was little more than a private hurt, its barbs sunk deep only in the ...

A sewer runs through it

Alastair Logan, 4 November 1993

... to be disclosed to the Defence’. They would have heard from new alibi witnesses for Paul Hill and Carole Richardson; evidence that Carole Richardson and Patrick Armstrong were heavily abusing drugs at the time of their arrest; and medical experts would have testified that their confessions were false. The only evidence against the Guildford ...

Inside the system

Paul Foot, 7 December 1989

... said of Garrington: ‘The kindest explanation is that his memory was playing him tricks.’ PC Paul Berry, a serving officer, said he had seen one of the men with a cut lip and a black eye. His evidence, said the judges, ‘does not help the appeal’. Two officers from Winson Green Prison at the time the men were admitted, Peter Bourne and Brian ...

Criminal Justice

Ronan Bennett, 24 June 1993

... from London in my hands, I spent a long time pondering the implications. For almost fifteen years Paul Hill, Gerry Conlon, Paddy Armstrong and Carole Richardson had insisted they were innocent and had been framed by the police. I recalled that Sir Michael Havers, who led for the Crown in the 1975 trial, had reasoned to the jury that if the Four were ...

The Bannisters

Paul Muldoon, 2 April 2020

... as rifle stocks, after a mere three weeks of drill,the bannisters are gradually taking another ...


Paul Davis: Networking in 18th-century London, 17 March 2005

Aaron HillThe Muses’ Projector 1685-1750 
by Christine Gerrard.
Oxford, 267 pp., £50, August 2003, 0 19 818388 7
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... to his friend and sometime client of his printing house, the poet and cultural factotum Aaron Hill, that ‘I have bought Mr Pope over so often, and his Dunciad so lately before his last new-vampt one, that I am tir’d of the Extravagance; and wonder every Body else is not.’ Richardson especially resented the poem’s editorial apparatus, sprawling ...


Paul Driver, 19 August 1993

Shining Brow 
by Paul Muldoon.
Faber, 86 pp., £5.99, February 1993, 0 571 16789 6
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... take the pains to learn the métier and is lucky enough to find a composer he can believe in’. Paul Muldoon, who ranks with Auden as a poet for whom the intricacies of verse and rhyme are endless and masterable, and who lives in America, as Auden did, has written a libretto for a composer of whom I confess I haven’heard. He is Daron Aric Hagen, and ...

Ovid: Metamorphoses

Paul Muldoon, 25 February 1993

... was a shrine to the Naiads or Faunus or some such god he replied, “Not at all, son: no common hill-god or genius presides over this place but the one whom Juno sentenced to wander round and round, never to set foot on solid ground; the goddess who dwells here was the one to whom even Delos gave short shrift, though Delos itself was totally adrift; on that ...

At Pallant House

Rosemary Hill: Victor Pasmore, 20 April 2017

... presents as ‘some of the most lyrical and elegiac’ of the mid-20th century. Yet compared with Paul Nash or Hitchens they feel stilted. In too many of the pictures, before and after the turn to abstraction, one senses another artist leaning over Pasmore’s shoulder. Seurat and Cézanne haunt the earlier work; later it is Whistler and his Japonisme, Turner ...

Jubilee 1977

Robin Bunce and Paul Field, 9 June 2022

... to miss out on a party. So in June 1977, Howe and Frank Crichlow, owner of the Mangrove, a Notting Hill restaurant and meeting place for activists, decided to throw a street party with a difference: a celebration of African Liberation Day. Instead of the ubiquitous Union Jack bunting, All Saints Road in Notting Hill would be ...

At the Whitechapel

Rosemary Hill: ‘Black Eyes and Lemonade’, 23 May 2013

... on the theme of animal, vegetable and mineral. They were witty in the romantic surrealist vein of Paul Nash and Tristram Hillier, depicting sets of shelves and glass cases in otherwise bare landscapes with natural and manmade objects displayed on them to make puns on similar shapes: coral and a hatstand, a lyre and a lyrebird, a soldier’s helmet and a ...

At Tate Britain

Rosemary Hill: ‘Ruin Lust’, 3 April 2014

... Abbey’ by Samuel Prout (date unknown) ‘Equivalents for the Megaliths’ by Paul Nash (1935) ‘The Destruction of Pompei and Herculaneum’ by John Martin (1822) ‘Sketch for Hadleigh Castle’ by John Constable (1828-9)PreviousNext Within it there are tantalising themes. The one which the Tate’s collection is best suited to develop ...

At Tate Britain (2)

Rosemary Hill: Kenneth Clark, 3 July 2014

... Cape’ by Aubrey Beardsley (1894). ‘The Back of the Chair’ by Cézanne (c.1879). ‘The Young Paul Asleep’ by Cézanne (c.1878). Manet’s ‘A Bar at the Folies-Bergère’ (1881-82) and Cézanne’s ‘Mont Sainte-Victoire’ (c.1887). The Warburg Institute. Clark as director of the National Gallery. The evacuation of paintings to Wales, just before ...

Heaven’s Gate

Rosemary Hill, 8 September 1994

Pugin: A Gothic Passion 
edited by Paul Atterbury and Clive Wainwright.
Yale, 310 pp., £45, June 1994, 0 300 06014 9
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... than bad taste. In Pugin’s youth the Gothic Revival had moved on since Walpole’s Strawberry Hill, but had scarcely developed. It remained a novelty style. Pugin’s father, the French émigré artist and self-styled count, Auguste Charles, had published books of Gothic details, drawn to scale from medieval buildings, that contributed to a better ...

Iraq, 2 May 2005

Andrew O’Hagan: Two Soldiers, 6 March 2008

... direction of Heaton were half full in the morning and nobody spoke. When I arrived at the house of Paul Wakefield I immediately saw a picture of his handsome younger brother on the coffee table. ‘He was my bodyguard,’ Paul said. ‘He was always quite tough, but brave. He was my hero and he always will be.’ ...

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