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The Curse of a Married Man’s Life

Sarah Rigby, 27 November 1997

The Acceptable Face of Feminism: The Women’s Institute as a Social Movement 
by Maggie Andrews.
Lawrence and Wishart, 176 pp., £12.99, June 1997, 0 85315 833 9
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... I remind myself of how recent that is and how much has been achieved since then. The thesis of Maggie Andrews’s somewhat troubled book is that the Women’s Institute is ‘a significant feminist organisation’. She has not set out to write a history of the WI: there have, apparently, been several of those. This is a conscious attempt to produce a ...


Robert Crawford, 18 September 1997

... nacred shells Montalembert’s Monks of the West Still weary, awash with hackwork to support Dead Maggie, Marjorie, Tiddy and Cecco, Her water babies, breathing ectoplasm, She watches aqualungs glow with shellac, Mindful how she loves light’s aftermath, Protozoa’s luminescent wash On the Firth of Forth; she drifts Eagerly shorewards, can almost touch ...

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