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It’s Mister Softee

Namara Smith: In Love with Roth, 19 July 2018

by Lisa Halliday.
Granta, 275 pp., £14.99, March 2018, 978 1 78378 360 1
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... It occurred to me that it would be a kindness to take her about and introduce her to the world.’ Lisa Halliday’s first novel initially seems agnostic on the question of whether young women should be let alone. The first half of the book is set in New York in the early 2000s. Its narrator, Alice, is sitting on a park bench with a book in her ...


Alan Bennett: What I did in 2019, 2 January 2020

... the novels and diaries of the period, I naively assumed that the food the Bennetts had eaten at Halliday Place was much the same as the food everyone ate in the war, regardless of social status. So I was still capable of being shocked in my twenties when I read in Nancy Mitford’s Pursuit of Love (a novel not I think mentioned by Laura Freeman) of the ...

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