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Types with Desires

Sarah Resnick: Jennifer Egan, 9 June 2022

The Candy House 
by Jennifer Egan.
Corsair, 334 pp., £20, April, 978 1 4721 5091 2
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... The Candy House, Jennifer Egan’s companion to her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, A Visit from the Goon Squad (2010), appears to be part of the trend for fiction premised on interventions – computational, pharmaceutical, viral – in human memory. It’s also something of an anomaly. In A Visit from the Goon Squad, the characters stand on the precipice of the digital age and long to return to the past; in The Candy House, now firmly in the brave new world, the characters – many of whom we met in the earlier book – find that they can return ...

Modernity’s Undoing

Pankaj Mishra: ‘A Visit from the Goon Squad’, 31 March 2011

A Visit from the Goon Squad 
by Jennifer Egan.
Corsair, 336 pp., £14.99, March 2011, 978 1 78033 028 0
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... that it is easy to forget what a large-scale re-engineering of human lives they have led to. Jennifer Egan, an American writer, is rare for still being able to register incredulity at the weirdness of this process. In her novel Look at Me (2001), she makes one of her main characters, an isolated intellectual, spell it all out: The ‘narrative of ...

Anna Papa Mama Liddy

Anne Diebel: Jennifer Egan’s Manhattan Beach, 30 November 2017

Manhattan Beach 
by Jennifer Egan.
Corsair, 448 pp., £16.99, October 2017, 978 1 4721 5087 5
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... Many reviewers​ of Jennifer Egan’s new novel Manhattan Beach have found the book ‘surprising’ for being straightforward and conventional. Her previous and best-known book, A Visit from the Goon Squad (2010), was lauded for being formally inventive. Each of its 13 chapters is different: one chapter is a footnoted celebrity profile written by a journalist in prison for sexually assaulting said celebrity; another is a series of PowerPoint slides created by a 12-year-old about music (they’re about pauses in great rock’n’roll songs) and her family ...

Female Bandits? What next!

Wendy Doniger: The incarnations of Robin Hood, 22 July 2004

Robin Hood: A Mythic Biography 
by Stephen Knight.
Cornell, 247 pp., £14.50, May 2003, 0 8014 3885 3
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... Gower they have many sturdy Victorian sons, in Robin Hood and Little John (1840), by Pierce Egan the Younger, they have a child who dies, and in Jennifer Roberson’s Lady of Sherwood (1999) Marian has a series of miscarriages. The feminist Marian has an interesting history of her own in films, of which for my money ...

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