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Anyone can do collage

Hal Foster: Kurt Schwitters, 10 March 2022

Poisoned Abstraction: Kurt Schwitters between Revolution and Exile 
by Graham Bader.
Yale, 240 pp., £45, November 2021, 978 0 300 25708 3
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Myself and My Aims: Writings on Art and Criticism 
by Kurt Schwitters, edited by Megan R. Luke, translated by Timothy Grundy.
Chicago, 656 pp., £30, October 2020, 978 0 226 12939 6
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... in that limbo ever since: too blatant for some, too bourgeois for others.In Poisoned Abstraction, Graham Bader presents the conflict between actual refuse and abstract composition not as an obstacle to the work but as our way into it. In doing so he seizes on a particular word used by Schwitters. Through his careful arrangement, Schwitters argued, the ...

Short Cuts

Frederick Wilmot-Smith: RBG’s Big Mistake, 8 October 2020

... What has become of me could happen only in America,’ Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in her confirmation hearing before the United States Senate in 1993. She meant to praise America. The descendant of Jewish émigrés, she was about to become only the second female justice to join the US Supreme Court. But today the statement reads like an indictment: what became of her thirty years later could only happen in America too ...

Short Cuts

Adam Shatz: The Four-Year Assault, 21 January 2021

... who pushed for the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, within days of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death. But Trump and the mob were now liabilities. So he cut his losses and covered himself in the ennobling rhetoric of constitutionalism. So did his wife, Elaine Chao, Trump’s secretary of transportation, who tendered her resignation along ...

Warthog Dynamism

David Bromwich, 19 November 2020

... On 26 September, he nominated Amy Coney Barrett to fill the seat on the court vacated by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and pushed her to be confirmed quickly by the Republican majority in the Senate. The next day brought an engrossing and carefully documented New York Times story by Russ Buettner, Susanne Craig and Mike McIntire detailing Trump’s ‘chronic ...

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