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What shall we look into now?

John Ziman, 21 May 1987

The Advancement of Science and its Burdens 
by Gerald Holton.
Cambridge, 351 pp., £27.50, October 1986, 9780521252447
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... and ends. In his writings he is, as he said of God, ‘subtle, but not malicious’. From them Holton teases out his presuppositions, his approach to theory and experience, his ways of conceiving new models, and his attitude to the realities thus represented. An eloquent chapter analyses the accomplishments of the intellectual innovator as a shaper of the ...

What exactly did he discover?

John Ziman, 3 May 1984

‘Subtle is the Lord’: The Science and Life of Albert Einstein 
by Abraham Pais.
Oxford, 552 pp., £15, October 1982, 9780198539070
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The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature 
by Heinz Pagels.
Joseph, 370 pp., £10.95, March 1983, 0 7181 2217 8
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Philosophy and the New Physics 
by Jonathan Powers.
Methuen, 203 pp., £3.95, December 1982, 0 416 73480 4
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Albert Einstein: The Centennial Symposium in Jerusalem 
edited by Gerald Holton and Yehuda Elkana.
Princeton, 439 pp., £24.70, August 1982, 0 06 908299 5
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... It is less than three decades since Albert Einstein died, yet many different personae have been supposed behind the familiar mild exterior. Nobody would impute any lack of psychic integrity in the man himself. True enough, he was a peculiarly self-contained person whose inner life was always opaque, even to his most intimate companions. But there was no harsh discontinuity or irreconcilable inconsistency in his temperament, and we have no reason to suppose that he was nervously guarding some guilty secret like Newton’s heretical Unitarianism ...

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