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Carolyn Steedman, 4 February 1988

Spoken History 
by George EwartEvans.
Faber, 255 pp., £9.95, August 1987, 0 571 14982 0
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... what?’ According to William Labov, a story-taker from a tradition quite different from the one George EwartEvans represents, a sociolinguist rather than a folklorist, that is the response that every good narrator is continually evading: ‘when the narrative is over, it should be unthinkable for a bystander to say ...

A Plumless Pudding

John Sutherland: The Great John Murray Archive Disaster, 18 March 2004

... rest away. Plum-picking explains why Dickens’s dealings with Chapman and Hall and Bradbury and Evans have survived, while the bulk of their papers have disappeared (some B&E materials washed up in the Punch archive; those of C&H were, apparently, thrown out when the firm was taken over by Methuen in 1938). Only after 1945 did large libraries become ...

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