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What happened that night on the Acropolis?

Robert Cioffi: Hymn to Demetrius, 10 February 2022

Demetrius the Besieger 
by Pat Wheatley and Charlotte Dunn.
Oxford, 496 pp., £100, April 2020, 978 0 19 883604 9
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... got the better of him, or as nothing more than a ‘mirror’ of his time. Pat Wheatley and Charlotte Dunn’s Demetrius the Besieger is the first biography written in English and the first comprehensive treatment of him in any modern language. (Wheatley is the primary researcher for the first half, Dunn for the ...


Celia Paul: Painting in the Dark, 17 December 2020

... is the emotion that drives Gwen John’s art. It is also the emotion that fuelled Charlotte Brontë’s writing. She fell passionately in love with her teacher, Monsieur Héger, when she studied at his language school in Brussels. When she returned home, his wife intervened to stop the exchange of letters between her husband and his infatuated ...
Prince Charming: A Memoir 
by Christopher Logue.
Faber, 340 pp., £20, September 1999, 9780571197682
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... it –which is loud and what some would call affected. When he joined the Army, the men called him Charlotte because of his camp mannerisms and his mincing gait. He is quite a short man – 5 ’7” he says here, but he seems smaller in life. Seeing him perform in public one has a sense of what it might have been like when Dickens portrayed Mr Quilp. Staring ...

Don’t go quietly

David Trotter: Ken Loach’s Fables, 6 February 2025

by David Forrest.
BFI, 112 pp., £12.99, May 2024, 978 1 83902 564 8
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... in their power to present promiscuity as normal.’Up the Junction, based on a book by Nell Dunn, was the first collaboration between Ken Loach, who joined the BBC as a trainee director in 1963, and Tony Garnett, who had been hired by James MacTaggart, producer of the Wednesday Play series, as a story editor and talent scout. Taking advantage of ...

Different Speeds, Same Furies

Perry Anderson: Powell v. Proust, 19 July 2018

Anthony Powell: Dancing to the Music of Time 
by Hilary Spurling.
Hamish Hamilton, 509 pp., £25, October 2017, 978 0 241 14383 4
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... Widmerpool, on the colonel who hired and fired him in the wartime Cabinet Office, Denis Capel-Dunn, an ‘undistinguished’ lawyer in civil life who perished on a flight back from the founding conference of the UN in San Francisco, to no great distress on Powell’s part. With the completion of Hearing Secret Harmonies, the last volume of A ...

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