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To Botho Strauss in Berlin

Michael Hulse, 30 March 1989

... Your cool high-ceilinged life is naked as a stage, as if you’d taken an apartment where the set-designer of your dreams had recently moved out. It is a theatre after the première, filled up to emptiness with applause. I think of God the Almighty after the ball, sitting as you imagined him on the palace steps, asleep in his slippers and topper. Let there (he mumbles in his slumber, dreamy and calmly afraid) be light ...

Flowering and Fading

Michael Irwin, 6 March 1980

by Charles Simmons.
Alison Press/Secker, 182 pp., £4.95, January 1980, 9780436464904
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by Botho Strauss, translated by Sophie Wilkins.
Chatto, 120 pp., £5.50, January 1980, 0 7011 2421 0
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The Followed Man 
by Thomas Williams.
Sidgwick, 352 pp., £5.95, January 1980, 9780399900259
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Reverse Negative 
by André Jute.
Secker, 264 pp., £5.95, January 1980, 0 436 22980 3
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... Two of the novels under review consist of a series of fragments that the reader is tacitly invited to relate. This elliptical mode carries certain obvious advantages: it makes for tautness; it does away with irksome problems of exposition, verisimilitude and consistency. The reader is likely to be particularly alert, apprehensive lest he miss the point: it could be that something deucedly sophisticated is going on ...

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