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At the National Portrait Gallery

Peter Campbell: The Portraits of Angus McBean, 3 August 2006

... Angus McBean knew that he knew how to please. Actors, he said, were terrified of having pictures taken, but ‘the stars often get to know a photographer and to trust him, and thank goodness that photographer is often me!’ He took two photographs of the Beatles looking down a stairwell at EMI – neatly coiffed in 1963, hairy in 1969 – so the curator of Angus McBean: Portraits (at the National Portrait Gallery until 22 October) turned to Paul McCartney to explain that trust ...

At Tate Britain

Brian Dillon: Queer British Art, 7 September 2017

... a certain texture that seems to signify most, as for example in the theatrical photographs of Angus McBean, who was jailed during the Second World War for his homosexuality. McBean’s 1937 portrait of Beatrix Lehmann twins the actress’s face with incongruous block and tackle, and frames this ...

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