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Bad for Women

David Todd: Revolutionary Féminisme, 4 July 2024

Louise Dupin’s ‘Work on Women’: Selections 
edited and translated by Angela Hunter and Rebecca Wilkin.
Oxford, 296 pp., £19.99, October 2023, 978 0 19 009010 4
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The Letters of the Duchesse d’Elbeuf: Hostile Witness to the French Revolution 
edited by Colin Jones, Alex Fairfax-Cholmeley and Simon Macdonald.
Liverpool, 411 pp., £60, October 2023, 978 1 80207 871 8
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... sections or ‘articles’, out of a projected 47, was first published in French in 2022. Angela Hunter and Rebecca Wilkin’s selection of 27 articles offer a reasonable overview of Dupin’s analysis. Readers may, however, be perplexed by their argument that Dupin’s ‘Enlightenment feminism’ was limited by remainingembedded in contemporary ...

Bananas Book

Eric Korn, 22 November 1979

Saturday Night Reader 
edited by Emma Tennant.
W.H. Allen, 246 pp., £5.95
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... these sub-headings, but the clamant lay-out calls attention to them.) Much the best thing here is Angela Carter’s ‘Captured by the Red Man’, the memoir of a consciousness-heightened Moll Flanders, an unashamed stylistic exercise that grips with the wit and authority of its diction. Even the idiosyncratic punctuation functions beautifully. Bruce Chatwin ...

A New Kind of Being

Jenny Turner: Angela Carter, 3 November 2016

The Invention of Angela Carter: A Biography 
by Edmund Gordon.
Chatto, 544 pp., £25, October 2016, 978 0 7011 8755 2
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... In​ 2006, the British Library bought a huge archive of Angela Carter’s papers from Gekoski, the rare books dealer, for £125,000.* It includes drafts, lots of them, a reminder that in the days before your computer automatically date-stamped all your files book-writing used to be a clerical undertaking. It has Pluto Press Big Red Diaries from the 1970s, and a red leatherette Labour Party one, tooled with the pre-Kinnock torch, quill and shovel badge ...

Short Cuts

Jeremy Harding: Who is François Hollande?, 13 September 2012

... and great charm by the novelist Laurent Binet in Rien ne se passe comme prévu (Grasset, ¤17), a Hunter S. Thompson-style, all-aboard diary which follows the candidate through two contests, from the summer of 2011 to the night of 6 May 2012 at the place de la Bastille where the future president of the Republic addressed an inaudible, impromptu speech to the ...

Spying on Writers

Christian Lorentzen, 11 October 2018

... a file on Toni Morrison, who – as a photo that recently went viral made clear – hung out with Angela Davis in the early 1970s, and surely Don DeLillo’s speculations on Lee Harvey Oswald in Libra merited attention. There is at least one known case. In 2013 William Vollmann wrote about getting hold of his own FBI file and discovering that during the ...

Even My Hair Feels Drunk

Adam Mars-Jones: Joy Williams, 2 February 2017

The Visiting Privilege 
by Joy Williams.
Tuskar Rock, 490 pp., £16.99, November 2016, 978 1 78125 746 3
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Ninety-Nine Stories of God 
by Joy Williams.
Tin House, 220 pp., £16.95, July 2016, 978 1 941040 35 5
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... day! Stop pumping out the cesspit! Leave the cesspit alone!’ One of Jack’s students, a keen hunter, brings along four cured deer feet, suggesting that Jack might like to turn them into a lamp. Jack is enthusiastic, Miriam horrified: ‘The thought of a lamp made of animal legs in her life and turned on caused a violent feeling of panic within ...


Tom Vanderbilt: ‘The Manchurian Candidate’, 21 August 2003

The Manchurian Candidate: BFI Film Classics 
by Greil Marcus.
BFI, 75 pp., £8.99, July 2002, 0 85170 931 1
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... still shimmering quality. The film was an alchemical success: Frank Sinatra, John Frankenheimer, Angela Lansbury and Laurence Harvey would never better their performances here. ‘Something in the story, something in the times,’ Marcus writes, ‘that had to have been sensed, felt, but never thought out, never shaped into a theory or a belief or even a ...

Better on TV

Jon Day: The Tennis Craze, 8 October 2020

A People’s History of Tennis 
by David Berry.
Pluto, 247 pp., £14.99, May, 978 0 7453 3965 8
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... and the mayor of Norwich. The following year the final was won by Frank Hadow, ‘a big-game hunter who ran a coffee plantation in Ceylon and who returned there after the tournament never to be seen at Wimbledon again’. Tennis’s international appeal derived from its dependability (it could be played on lawns, but also on clay and other hard ...

The Merchant of Shadows

Angela Carter, 26 October 1989

... freshly watered, though not by whatever it was had left such amazing spoor behind it. No big-game hunter, I, but I could have sworn that, impressed on the soil, as if in fresh concrete outside Graumann’s Chinese Theatre, was the print, unless the tiger-lilies left it, of a large, clawed paw. Did you know a lion’s mane grows grey with age? I didn’t. But ...

Half-Way up the Hill

Frank Kermode, 7 July 1988

Young Betjeman 
by Bevis Hillier.
Murray, 457 pp., £15.95, July 1988, 0 7195 4531 5
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... undergraduates to the house, where they might observe its monocled and drunken master ‘put his hunter to the dining-room table, when it was fully charged with silver and crystal, and jump it’. So Alan Pryce-Jones, who adds that their host would attack his guests in the corridors, while his wife hid, sobbing, under a bed. Betjeman often visited, with ...

Sonic Foam

Ian Penman: On Kate Bush, 17 April 2014

... bittersweet mysticism, other names suggest themselves here too: Muriel Spark, Penelope Fitzgerald, Angela Carter, Fay Weldon.) She slowly assumed the status of national treasure, despite or maybe precisely because of the cannily maintained, resonantly low profile. There are forms of politesse and prevarication that can slot very well into a wider tactical ...

Les zombies, c’est vous

Thomas Jones: Zombies, 26 January 2012

Zone One 
by Colson Whitehead.
Harvill Secker, 259 pp., £14.99, October 2011, 978 1 84655 598 5
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... of course. We’re only 30 pages from the end when Mark Spitz tells Gary, a fellow zombie hunter, how he came by his nickname, adding: ‘Plus the black-people-can’t-swim thing.’ This is the first explicit mention in the text of Mark Spitz’s skin colour (Gary, we’re told early on, ‘had a granite complexion, grey and pitted skin’). ‘He ...

Iraq, 2 May 2005

Andrew O’Hagan: Two Soldiers, 6 March 2008

... houses south of the Tigris, the river that stretches towards Amara. Lieutenant Colonel Hunter Hobson, who had been with Spahr at flight school and later ended up in the same squadron, the famous ‘Death Rattlers’ 323, told me Spahr had what few people have: ‘an amazing ability in the airplane’. When I spoke to Hobson he was at the Miramar ...

Afloat with Static

Jenny Turner: Hey, Blondie!, 19 December 2019

Face It 
by Debbie Harry.
HarperCollins, 352 pp., £20, October 2019, 978 0 00 822942 9
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... book of a family Christmas in New Jersey, with her hair in its undyed colour, a plain, flat brown.Angela​ Trimble was born on 1 July 1945 in Miami. Her mother and father had been ‘childhood sweethearts’, but had split up, then reunited many years later, by which time he was married with children and working as a boiler repairman. So the baby was put up ...

In the Shady Wood

Michael Neill: Staging the Forest, 22 March 2018

The Shakespearean Forest 
by Anne Barton.
Cambridge, 185 pp., £75, August 2017, 978 0 521 57344 3
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... this wood’ – not just mad (‘wode’), but like a wodewose. ‘To be lost in the forest,’ Angela Carter wrote in her essay on A Midsummer Night’s Dream, ‘is to be lost to this world, to be abandoned by the light, to lose yourself utterly with no guarantee that you will ever find yourself or else be found.’ Even in the bourgeois setting of The ...

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