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Loose Talk

Steven Shapin: Atomic Secrets, 4 November 2021

Restricted Data: The History of Nuclear Secrecy in the United States 
by Alex Wellerstein.
Chicago, 549 pp., £28, April, 978 0 226 02038 9
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... justification has been largely forgotten.This reality was born with the idea of an atomic bomb. Alex Wellerstein’s Restricted Data describes the origins of nuclear secrecy and tracks its history through the Cold War and beyond, showing how the framework of secrecy built around nuclear weapons developed into the apparatus of the modern national ...

The President and the Bomb

Adam Shatz, 16 November 2017

... of the military. Truman had authorised the use of atomic weapons, but, according to the historian Alex Wellerstein, who maintains the blog Nuclear Secrecy, he had been persuaded, or somehow persuaded himself, that Hiroshima was a military base, and only soldiers would be killed. Although he never expressed contrition, the death of hundreds of thousands ...

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