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Our Man in Beijing

Edwin Moise, 20 November 1986

Breakfast with Mao: Memoirs of a Foreign Correspondent 
by Alan Winnington.
Lawrence and Wishart, 255 pp., £12.50, March 1986, 0 85315 652 2
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Behind the Forbidden Door: Travels in China 
by Tiziano Terzani.
Allen and Unwin, 270 pp., £11.95, March 1986, 0 04 951025 8
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... Alan Winnington, a member of the British Communist Party from the early Thirties, went to China in 1948 as a correspondent for the Daily Worker, and lived there for most of the next 12 years. His autobiography runs from his childhood up to his departure from China in 1960. He comes across as a likeable man, and he has written a marvellously readable memoir, but it has the failings one would expect of a book written twenty to thirty years after the events it describes, by a man of passionate political loyalties, who died before he could finish the manuscript or check the accuracy of the parts written from memory ...

Red Rover

Clare Hollingworth, 4 February 1982

At the Barricades: The Memoirs of a Rebel Journalist 
by Wilfred Burchett.
Quartet, 341 pp., £10.95, May 1981, 0 7043 2214 5
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... the United States and the South Koreans was finally signed, Burchett and a British correspondent, Alan Winnington, were generally dubbed on films and photographs the ‘two Caucasian communists’. Again in the Vietnamese War Burchett worked on the Northern, Communist side out of Hanoi. He impressed his friends and enemies alike by taking the Ho Chi Minh ...

The Koreans and their Enemies

Jon Halliday, 17 December 1992

Korea Old and New: A History 
by Carter Eckert, Ki-baik Lee, Young Ick Lew, Michael Robinson and Edward Wagner.
Harvard, 454 pp., £11.95, September 1991, 0 9627713 0 9
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The Wilder Shores of Marx: Journeys in a Vanishing World 
by Anthony Daniels.
Hutchinson, 202 pp., £16.99, April 1991, 9780091741532
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... attended by American officers this century, yet it finds no place in most history books. When Alan Winnington of the Daily Worker reported this massacre, attributing it to ‘our’ side, the Labour Cabinet discussed charging not only him, but some of his colleagues on the paper, with treason. The Cabinet backed off because there was a mandatory ...

Salt Spray

Ferdinand Mount: When Britannia Ruled the Waves, 5 December 2024

The Price of Victory: A Naval History of Britain 1815-1945 
by N.A.M. Rodger.
Allen Lane, 934 pp., £40, October, 978 0 7139 9412 4
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... with defiance, if not derision. After bumping into a returning Hansa salt convoy in 1449, Robert Winnington reported with some surprise: ‘I came aboard the admiral and bade them strike in the name of the king of England, and they bade me shit in the name of the king of England.’ Pepys records that even the hyperaggressive Captain Robert Holmes (later to ...

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